Configuration – Alarm Delay


The Alarm Delay menu screen will display the number of minutes that an alarm can be delayed before switching the probe output from one probe to the other (default = 20 minutes).  To change the value, press the ENT key.  The rightmost digit will begin flashing.  Pressing the CLR key will display the value as 0.  Pressing the up arrow key once will display the value as 1.  Pressing the up arrow key once again will increment this value by one.  Enter the new value as desired.  Pressing the ENT key will set the entered value.  Pressing the NEXT key will display the Probe Select (Prb) Mode menu screen.  Pressing the PREV key will display the Deviation Band menu screen.


Note: There is a 950 mV low limit for an alarm.  This condition is typically found during a burnoff, so the alarm will not be active when the input drops below 950 mV.


Example – The following example will show how to set the alarm delay from a value of 5 min to a value of 10 min


Press the ENT key.  The 5 will begin flashing.  Press the up arrow key once so that a 1 is displayed. Press the left arrow key once so that a 10 is displayed.  Press the ENT key to set the value. 


Note about Alarm Delay – the valid range of values for the alarm delay is 0 to 60 minutes.  Any value entered over 60 minutes will be set to the last set value by default.