Main Screen



NOTE: This manual was written with oxygen readings from the ambient air, not in a valid run-time environment.


This is the main screen for the e-TRIM Touchscreen software. Once the software has booted up, this screen will be displayed.  This screen will list the Burners, along with the % Oxygen reading, the Status of each burner, and the status of high fire or low fire. The possible messages are:


  • OK – everything (coms, burner conditions, etc.) is ok.

  • **coms** - there is bad communication to the sensor board.

  • Alarm Pending – there is an out of band condition, and the system is waiting for the delay timer to expire.

  • **Out of Band** - The burner is out of band. Status Disabled – The board has been disabled.

  • **Critical Alarm** - There is a critical alarm active.

  • Critical Alarm Ack’d – The critical alarm is active, but the alarm has been acknowledged.


The yellow icon signals that the burner is on high fire.