eFlo Background and Familiarization
The eFlo-H & eFlo-L meters are SSi’s high pressure version of the eFlo Electronic Flow Meter. They also use the science of differential pressure to measure media flow through the meter, but can handle significantly higher supply pressures allowing it to be a more compact device. The meter is calibrated per the customer’s specifications including media type, supply pressure, and media temperature. Accuracy of these three properties is critical and directly affects the accuracy of the meter. A certification is included with the meter defining the calibration conditions and customer’s requirements. A curve providing the relationship between the differential pressure and the media flow is also indicated on the certification.
The meter assembly is separated into two categories; mechanical and electrical components. The mechanical portion of the meter includes all of the components that perform a mechanical function to create flow. The electrical components include anything that involves electrical power in the function of the meter. A component breakdown of the meter is provided in Appendix 2.
The meter controls the flow of media with the use of a linear stepper motor and valve assembly. As the flow increases, the differential pressure across the orifice plate increases. The differential pressure can be related directly to media flow if other significant properties are known. SSi calibrates every meter to match the characteristics of each fabricated orifice plate. This ensures accuracy of each meter.