Basic Configuration

    The Basic Configuration page displays current basic parameter values and provides the ability to set, select, and reset values. The parameters are described in more detail below.


    Figure 20: Basic Configuration Web Page



    Set Dat/Time

    Sets the date/time (real time calendar clock).


    The current flow setpoint.


    The Modbus address of the device - a number from 1-247. The device will respond to 250 universally.

    Baud Rate

    The baud rate for communications.

    Reset Total

    Resets the totalized value.

    Zero Tare

    Resets the zero flow rate of the meter (manual mode only).

    Max Tare

    Sets the maximum opening position to which the valve is capable of driving.

    Low Flow Alarm

    Triggers an alarm if the flow drops below the programmed value (0 = alarm not set).

    High Flow Alarm

    Triggers an alarm if the flow increases above the programmed value (0 = alarm not set).

    Low Pres Alarm

    Triggers an alarm if the supply pressure drops below the programmed value (0 = alarm not set).

    Deviation Alarm

    Triggers an alarm after 60 seconds if the flow PV deviates from the flow SP more than the defined deviation (0 = alarm not set).

    Under Pressure Alarm

    Triggers an alarm when the differential pressure is less than 3” W.C. of the supply pressure (On = alarm is active).

    Valve Shut Alarm

    Triggers a “Shut” display when the flow is less than 10% of the maximum flow and there is pressure available. This alarm is used mainly on manual eFlo meters and in-line meters to alert the user that the meter’s valve may not be fully closed (On = alarm is active).

    Max Opening Alarm

    Indicates when the valve is opened to its maximum limit (On = alarm is active)

    Table 5: Parameters and Descriptions for Basic Configuration