Note About Expression Wizard
This option will allow the user to select either a common expression, such as “x*.01”, a custom curve created with the Manage Curves menu option, or to create an expression.
To use a common expression, select the “Common Expressions” menu option and select the desired expression from the drop-down list. Clicking on the OK button will set the expression to the trend, but clicking on the Cancel button will not set the expression to the trend.
To use a custom curve, select the “Apply Custom Curve” menu option and select the desired curve from the drop-down list. Clicking on the OK button will set the curve to the trend, but clicking on the Cancel button will not set the curve to the trend. If a custom curve is used, the “Expression” line will read “curve: <Custom Curve>” where <Custom Curve> is the name of the curve used.
To create an expression, select the “Create Expression” menu option. Select the input range for the trend from the drop-down list, and then select the scale minimum and maximum. Clicking the OK button will set the expression for the trend, but clicking on the Cancel button will not set the expression for the trend. The “Expression” line will contain the new expression, if an expression was created using the wizard. Note – Expressions can still be entered in the text box manually, as described above.
The “Open”, “Delete”, “Save As”, and “Save” buttons along the top of the screen will allow the user to work with different templates, while the “Add”, “Edit”, and “Delete” buttons in the middle of the screen allow the user to work with specific trend lines in a template.