Help à Check for Updates

This menu option requires an Internet connection to work. 
Be sure to save any changes in the VR Manager before updating the VR Manager.  Clicking on this menu option will allow the user to easily update the VR Manager software, as well as receive any updates for the VR Screen.  If there are no updates available, the software will display a message box saying that there are no updates available.  If there is an update available, then the software will display a message box asking the user whether to begin the update process or not.  If the user begins the process, the VR Manager screen will shut down and the auto-update will begin.  Note: Since a new executable file is being downloaded, some settings, such as the backup information (Tools ® Data Backup) will be lost.  These settings will need to be reapplied once the download is finished.


Once the update has completed, the VR Manager software will start up.