VR Manager Screen
There are drop down lists and buttons that activate the functions on the screen. The screen is used to
Select Video Recorders to Manage
Review Historical Trend Data In Graphical and Data Grid Format
Review Notes Written on Screen
Print Trend and Data Grid
Export Data to File
Select Chart Data Interval
Look at Specific Data Points
Download Data from Video Recorder
Review Statistics of Displayed Data
Pan Through Historical Data
Zoom In Display
Save Displayed Image
Turn On/Off Trend Points
Backup Data to a Network
When the VR Manager software is started up, the user sees the above screen. The three menu options to choose from are: File, Tools and Help. There are eight buttons to choose from: New , Open
, Save
, Print
, Edit Custom Curves
, Show Notes
, Show Data Grid
, and Edit Chart
When multiple Video Recorders are being managed using VR Manager, the operator can select which VR and set of data for the Video Screen to use. This is done using the drop down list.
A VR device can be added through the Tools ® Communications ® Setup menu option.