Running the TS Manager Software in batch mode

The batch mode operation can be started by using the “Run” screen for Windows.  From the Start Menu, click on the “Run” menu option to open the “Run” screen, or press the Windows key (WindowsLogo) + R.  If the TS Manager’s installation path was not added to the system’s path variable, the user will have to enter the whole path to execute the batch mode.  For example, to run the batch mode type the following the field on the “Run” screen and press the OK button or press the Enter key:


“C:\SSi\TSManager\TSManager.exe” /batch <parameter>


Where <parameter> is one or more of the parameters shown in List of Batch Mode Parameters.


Note: The quotes are necessary if there is a space in the path for the TS Manager software. Therefore, “C:\SSi\TS Manager\TSManager.exe” /batch /notes will require quotes around the TS Manager path and filename (TSManager.exe) because of the space in the “TS Manager” folder name.  However, C:\SSi\TS\TSManager.exe /batch /notes will not require quotes, since there are no spaces in the path and filename.


Figure 29 - The "Run" window

If the TS Manager’s path was included in the system’s path variable (see Adding the TS Manager Location to the System Path section above), then all that would need to be entered would be the file name and parameters:


TSManager.exe /batch /notes


Running the TS Manager in batch mode will not actually open the TS Manager user interface. While the TS Manager is running in batch mode, the cursor will change to an hourglass. When the TS Manager has finished, the cursor will change back to an arrow.


IMPORTANT: In order for a batch mode command to execute, both the /batch parameter and a second parameter (see List of Batch Mode Parameters List of Batch Mode Parameters) must be entered in the Run window after “TSManager.exe”.