4.11.2 Delayed Switch On Timer


P41 = DELY.


This timer is used to switch on the output power after a set time. The timer starts immediately on power-up. It will also start whenever the timer start parameter t.St is manually set to rUn.


The controller remains in standby with heating and cooling off until the time has elapsed. After the time has elapsed, the instrument controls at the target setpoint.



Example: To Configure and Set up a Delayed Switch on Timer


  1. In Conf level set P41 = DELY to select Delay type timer


  2. In Conf level set P42 = HoUr or Nin to select the timer resolution. In this example Nin

    (Note: ‘P’ code P43 is not shown when this timer type is configured).


  3. In Level 2, set the Timer Duration parameter t.dUr to the required period. In this example, 1 minute.

    (Note: t.tHr is not shown when this timer type is configured).


  4. In level 1 or 2 set the Timer Status parameter t.St to run, or power cycle the controller. The display will flash between rUn and OFF. The time elapsed parameter t.EL will begin to count up and the time remaining t.rE parameter will begin to count down.

    During the timing period the control outputs (heat and cool) will remain at 0.0.

    At the end of the timing period the display will flash between End and the current setpoint. The control outputs will go to the required demand level at a controlled rate so that the switch over is ‘bumpless’.

    At this point entering a further time in the parameter t.rE will switch the controller back to run again for the additional time, the outputs will go to 0.0 and will switch back to control at the end of the timing period


  5. In Level 1 or 2 reset the timer by setting parameter t.St to rst.

    Following a time out, the Timer Status parameter t.St can be set to rUn. The outputs will immediately go to 0.0 until the end of the timing period and the sequence will repeat.


    At any time the Timer Status parameter t.St can be set to HoLd. The display will flash between HLd and OFF and the outputs will remain off until the hold condition is released.


    Logic I/O can be configured as shown in section 5.2.16.