Instrument Configuration
The Instrument Configuration page allows you to set values for the following information:
Set Date/Time: This option, when pressed, will sync the current time of the main board to the computer on which the web interface is running.
Web Access Code: This allows you to set the required passcode to access the web interface.
Min. Gas %: This reading indicates the point at which anything below will be read as zero for internal calculations.
N2/NH3/DA/H2 Flow: Gas flow values can be manually entered into these fields for nitriding calculations such as nitriding potential (Kn), percent dissociation (%DA), percent ammonia (%NH3), and/or super Kn. These calculations are displayed on the Main webpage when selected on the SSI Configuration webpage.
CO2 Pres: This is a special calculation for specific applications. The input should be set to 0 as a default, unless specifically discussed with SSi.
Sup Neg: (Suppress Negative) When activated, any negative readings will be treated as zero.