Initial Network Configuration


This section is intended for use by persons familiar with Ethernet network setup.  The SGA has two devices capable of communicating through Ethernet; the touch screen and the sensor.  The touch screen is setup with a dynamic IP Address assigned by the network to which it is connected.  The sensor has a static IP Address.  The default IP Address of the sensor is


The simplest way to locate the sensor’s IP address is to use the touch screen interface.  Go to the Communications screen in the Menu options.  Details are provided in the Communications (Menu Options) section of this manual. There, the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway are listed.  Those values can be changed by highlighting the value and pressing the Edit button.


If the touch screen is not available, the IP Address of the sensor can also be found by using SSi’s nLocateIP software. This method is described in the following subsection.