Zero & Span Calibration:
Select the correct input type for Input 1 from the drop-down menu. Press the Set Type button to the right in order to set that type of input.
Go down to the Calibration Type option and choose the Zero VDC.
Select Input 1 for the Inputs option.
If the input is a thermocouple, select the correct TC Type. If the input is not a thermocouple, the value in this field does not matter.
Select the appropriate Range for the input type selected. For thermocouple inputs, see the table above for the corresponding range.
Connect the calibrator and source a zero input signal (0 mV or 0 VDC).
Allow the Raw VDC 1 signal to stabilize.
Enter the same zero value as what is being sourced from the calibrator into the Enter Target field and press the Calibrate button. A timer will count down from 30 seconds.
Once the Calibration Timer has counted down, the zero calibration is complete. You should see the Raw VDC 1 value change to match the calibrator.
NOTE: The remaining steps for the span input calibration will be very similar to the steps performed for the zero input calibration.
The Input type selected in step 1 remains the same. Change the Calibration Type to Span VDC.
The TC Type and Range selected in steps 4 and 5 remain the same.
Using the calibrator, source a span input signal. The span signal should be at least 90% of the full range of the sensor (for example, source at least 1.125 VDC for a sensor with a range of 0 to 1.25 VDC).
Allow the Raw VDC 1 signal to stabilize.
Enter the same span value as what is being sourced from the calibrator into the Enter Target field and press the Calibrate button. A timer will count down from 30 seconds.
Once the Calibration Timer has counted down, the span calibration is complete. You should see the Raw VDC 1 value change to match the calibrator.
This same procedure can be performed for Input 2 if it is being used. You just need to select the correct Input type in the Input 2 field and choose the Input 2 for the Inputs field.