Output Calibration


The Output Calibration screen allows the user to perform a zero/span calibration.  The SGA is equipped with two analog outputs. These outputs require calibration to ensure that the mA signal corresponds to a given output value (zero value for the lowest value and span value for the highest value). SSi recommends output calibration be performed on each output at least once per year, or as needed.


To calibrate each output, first make sure that you have a multimeter (or other appropriate testing instrument) available.


(Never perform a span calibration without first performing a zero calibration.)


  1. Select the output value that you wish to calibrate (Zero Output 1 or, Zero Output 2).

  2. Press “Prep for Cal” to enter calibration mode.

  3. Ensure that the output signal is being sent for the span or zero value (whichever you are calibrating for).

  4. With a multimeter, measure the mA value at the output. Enter that value in the “Entered Measured value” field and press “Calibrate”.

  5. Repeat the process above for the appropriate Span Output.


Figure 8 - Output Calibration Page