SDS Data Tags
SDS Data tags are created so that all of the template information and survey data can automatically be used for the report process. Data that is captured during the survey is summarized to provide the overall results for the report. This can be in the form of a graph, tabular data, text, etc. Data tags have been specifically created to address the uniformity requirements for AMS and other standards. We have tags that address overshoot, minimum TC with value, maximum TC with value, trend data, tabular data, etc. An example of an output from the data tags can be seen by opening the Example report from the SDS Reporter provided with the installation. The only data not generated from data tags is the tabular print out of the actual temperatures. This data is generated from the Survey TC Data option and will print all data points that are displayed on the graph between the “start” and “stop” selected by the user in the survey.
In the figure below (Output From Data Tags), you can see an example of the data tags for the graph, survey setpoint, minimum and maximum TCs with values and deviation. The data tags used to generate the information below are:
TC Survey Summary
Temperature Setpoint: <SDS:SP>°#
Minimum TC number: #mtcn# |
Maximum TC number: #xtcn# |
Minimum TC Value: #mtcv# |
Maximum TC Value: #xtcv# |
Min deviation from setpoint: #md# |
Max deviation from setpoint: #xd# |
Figure 106 - Output from Data Tags
Tag | Description | Usage |
SDS:FILE | The filename the report is saved as | <SDS:FILE> |
SDS:PD | The current date when the report is printed | <SDS:PD> |
SDS:PT | The current time when the report is printed | <SDS:PT> |
SDS:FID | The furnace ID | <SDS:FID> |
SDS:FM | Furnace make/model | <SDS:FM> |
SDS:FT | Furnace type | <SDS:FT> |
SDS:FU | Furnace use | <SDS:FU> |
SDS:FD | Furnace dimensions |
<SDS:FD> |
SDS:FC | Furnace class | <SDS:FC> |
SDS:FOR | Furnace operating range | <SDS:FOR> |
SDS:SD | Survey date | <SDS:SD> |
SDS:ST | Survey time | <SDS:ST> |
SDS:SDR | Survey date range | <SDS:SDR> |
SDS:DUR | Duration of the survey | <SDS:DUR> |
SDS:OP | Operator survey performed by | <SDS:OP> |
SDS:APP | Survey approved by | <SDS:APP> |
SDS:TITLE | The heading or title of the report | <SDS:TITLE> |
SDS:NOTE | Notes for the survey | <SDS:NOTE> |
SDS:TOL | Survey tolerance / uniformity required | <SDS:TOL> |
SDS:OTS | Overtemp setpoint | <SDS:OTS> |
SDS:SP | Survey setpoint | <SDS:SP> |
SDS:TCN | Number of thermocouples | <SDS:SP> |
SDS:TCT | Thermocouple type | <SDS:TCT> |
SDS:TCS | Thermocouple spool number | <SDS:TCS> |
SDS:TCC | Thermocouple calibrated by | <SDS:TCC> |
SDS:TCCD | Thermocouple calibration date | <SDS:TCCD> |
SDS:TCCF | Thermocouple spool correction factor | <SDS:TCCF> |
SDS:SDN | Next survey due date | <SDS:SDN> |
SDS:SDSM | Survey box make/model | <SDS:SDSM> |
SDS:SDSS | Survey box serial number | <SDS:SDSS> |
SDS:SDSC | Survey box calibrated by | <SDS:SDSC> |
SDS:SDSCD | Survey box calibration date | <SDS:SDSCD> |
SDS:SDSCF | Survey box calibration factor | <SDS:SDSCF> |
SDS:SPEC | Specifications the survey meets | <SDS:SPEC> |
SDS:INT | Sample interval | <SDS:INT> |
SDS:T | Temperature character - F or C | <SDS:T> |
SDS:SIM | Simulate load, in pounds | <SDS:SIM> |
SDS:OVS | Overshoot (deprecated) | <SDS:OVS> |
SDS:MIC | Microns | <SDS:MIC> |
SDS:RES | Survey result | <SDS:RES> |
SDS:GRAPH600x400 | Inserts a 600x400 image of the graph | <SDS:GRAPH600x400> |
SDS:COM | Company name | <SDS:COM> |
SDS:UDUR | User defined survey duration | <SDS:UDUR> |
SDS:UTCN | Usert defined number of thermocouples | <SDS:UTCN> |
SDS:PCT | PID cycle time | <SDS:PCT> |
SDS:PDB | PID dead band | <SDS:PDB> |
SDS:POL | PID output limit | <SDS:POL> |
SDS:PPB | PID PB (gain) | <SDS:PPB> |
SDS:PR | PID rate | <SDS:PR> |
SDS:PRE | PID reset | <SDS:PRE> |
SDS:CMF | Temperature controller manufacturer | <SDS:CMF> |
SDS:CMA | Temperature controller make/model | <SDS:CMA> |
SDS:IT | Controller instrument type | <SDS:IT> |
SDS:TCG | Thermocouple gauge | <SDS:TCG> |
SDS:OV | Overshoot - yes or no | <SDS:OV> |
SDS:OD | Outputs TC and temp if overshoot occurred | <SDS:OD> |
SDS:OVT | Time the overshoot occurred | <SDS:OVT> |
SDS:CTD | Inserts a note regarding the control TC. Inserts nothing if no control TC was chosen | <SDS:CTD> |
SDS:CTN | Control thermocouple. Inserts "none" if none is defined | <SDS:CTN> |
°# | °degree type | °# |
SDS:ED | Survey end date | <SDS:ED> |
SDS:ET | Survey end time | <SDS:ET> |
SDS:TCM | thermocouple map (image) | <SDS:TCM> |
SDS:UD1 | User defined field 1 | <SDS:UD1> |
SDS:UD2 | User defined field 2 | <SDS:UD2> |
SDS:UD3 | User defined field 3 | <SDS:UD3> |
SDS:UD4 | User defined field 4 | <SDS:UD4> |
SDS:UD5 | User defined field 5 | <SDS:UD5> |
SDS:UD6 | User defined field 6 | <SDS:UD6> |
SDS:UD7 | User defined field 7 | <SDS:UD7> |
SDS:UD8 | User defined field 8 | <SDS:UD8> |
SDS:UD9 | User defined field 9 | <SDS:UD9> |
SDS:UD10 | User defined field 10 | <SDS:UD10> |
SDS:UD11 | User defined field 11 | <SDS:UD11> |
SDS:UD12 | User defined field 12 | <SDS:UD12> |
SDS:UD13 | User defined field 13 | <SDS:UD13> |
SDS:UD14 | User defined field 14 | <SDS:UD14> |
SDS:UD15 | User defined field 15 | <SDS:UD15> |
SDS:UD16 | User defined field 16 | <SDS:UD16> |
SDS:UD17 | User defined field 17 | <SDS:UD17> |
SDS:UD18 | User defined field 18 | <SDS:UD18> |
SDS:UD19 | User defined field 19 | <SDS:UD19> |
SDS:UD20 | User defined field 20 | <SDS:UD20> |
*** Survey scope data tags – {n} where n is the survey number – are used to display survey information for the multiple survey report feature. See the section Print Multiple Surveys for more information on how to use these data tags ***
Sample Output
Tag Sample Output
SDS:FILE SDSReport1.sdsreport
SDS:PD 2/16/06
SDS:PT 11:30:00 AM
SDS:FID Batch 1
SDS:FM Furnace Mfg.
SDS:FT Batch Gas Draw
SDS:FU Temper
SDS:FD 24 x 15 x 12
SDS:FOR 650 - 1000°C
SDS:SD 2/16/06
SDS:ST 11:30:00 AM
SDS:SDR 2/13 THRU 2/14
SDS:DUR 00:30:00
SDS:OP Shaun Scott
SDS:APP Scott Brown
SDS:TITLE Test Survey 1
SDS:NOTE This is a test survey
SDS:TOL [+/-] 10
SDS:SP 750
SDS:TCC Soandso
SDS:TCCD 1/15/06
SDS:SDN 2/28/06
SDS:SDSS SDS60293201
SDS:SDSC Super Systems Inc
SDS:SDSCD 1/15/12
SDS:SPEC AMS 2750-D and E
SDS:RES Passed
SDS:GRAPH600x400 [An image of the graph]
SDS:COM Company Name
SDS:UDUR 30 mins
SDS:CMF Super Systems
SDS:OD TC6 - 1700°
SDS:OVT 5:30
SDS:CTD TC5 is the control TC, and is not used in uniformity survey results
°# °F
SDS:ED 2/16/06
SDS:ET 11:30:00 AM
SDS:TCM [Thermocouple image]
TC Offsets
Tag | Description | Usage |
#o1# | Offset for TC1 | #o1# |
#cf1# | Individual correction factor for TC1 | #cf1# |
Tag Sample Output
#o1# -1
Tag | Description | Usage |
#n1# | Minimum temp for TC within the selected survey region. Substitute numbers for other TCs | #n1# |
#x1# | Max temp for TC1 | #x1# |
#m1# | Mean temp for TC1 | #m1# |
#s1# | Spread for TC1 | #s1# |
#vn1# | Deviation @min temp from setpoint for TC1 | #vn1# |
#vx1# | Deviation @max temp from setpoint for TC1 | #vx1# |
#vm1# | Deviation @mean temp from setpoint for TC1 | #vm1# |
#mtcn# | Minimum TC number | #mtcn# |
#mtan# | Minimum TC number during approach segment | #mtan# |
#mtav# | Minimum TC value during approach segment | #mtav# |
#mtcv# | Minimum TC value | #mtcv# |
#mtcx# | The maximum temperature of the minimum TC | #mtcx# |
#md# | Minimum calculated survey TC absolute deviation from setpoint | #md# |
#rect# | Recovery time - the time between when the first TC comes into tolerance and the time when the last TC comes into tolerance | #rect# |
#xtcn# | Maximum TC number | #xtcn# |
#xtan# | Maximum TC number during approach segment | #xtan# |
#xtav# | Maximum TC value during approach segment | #xtav# |
#xtcm# | Minimum temperature of the maximum TC | #xtcm# |
#xtcv# | Maximum TC value | #xtcv# |
#xd# | Maximum calculated survey TC absolute deviation from setpoint | #xd# |
Tag Sample Output
#n1# 183
#x1# 183
#m1# 183
#s1# 12.5
#vn1# 383
#vx1# 383
#vm1# 383
#mtcn# 2
#mtan# 2
#mtav# 150
#mtcv# 1
#mtcx# 500
#md# 201.0
#rect# 3 mins 30 secs
#xtcn# 1
#xtan# 6
#xtav# 1500
#xtcm# 500
#xtcv# 183
#xd# 383.0
#ts# 13.8