File à Export

There are four sub-menu options available for the export function:

    Export Report to Word

    Export Report to RTF

    Export Survey Data to CSV

    Export to Word - All

The Export Report to Word menu option will export the report to a Word document format, which will provide more detail than the standard .rtf file format, if that option is desired.  When this menu option is clicked, the software will automatically begin to export the report selected to a word document.  Once the report has been exported, the new document will be displayed.  Note – no save dialog box will be displayed to the user.  Initially, the report is saved as “temp.doc” to the “C:\Temp” directory.  The user can rename and save this report to any other desired location.  Note – any time this menu option is used, the resulting report will be saved as “temp.doc”, so any previous report that has not been re-saved will be lost.  The Export Report to RTF menu option will export the report to a rich-text format (RTF).  When this menu option is clicked, the software will display a Windows Save dialog box that will save the .rtf file to the “SDSReports” folder.  The Export Survey Data to CSV menu option will export all of the survey data (as seen on the Data tab) to a comma-separated value format file.  When this menu option is clicked, the software will display a Windows Save dialog box that will save the .csv file to the “SDSReports” folder.  The Export to Word – All menu option will export all of the survey’s information to a Word file (report data, survey data, etc).