Step 8: View Survey results and print a Report.

You can now view the survey results by clicking on the “Chart” or “Data” tabs.  More detailed information on this functionality can be found later in the manual.


Click to return to the “Report Properties” tab.  Click to select a Report Template by browsing your computer for saved files.  There are several pre-loaded Templates created by SSi, or you can create your own template as a Word file. (To do so, see Appendix A for information on SDS <tags>.  Custom template files can be saved anywhere, but the default location is the \SDS2\ReportTemplates folder.) 


You can then add/edit Report Heading/Title, Survey Results, and Notes.


To create a report based on the selections made above, go to File > Create Report.  You can choose a report based on all data, or only the setpoints defined in the survey template.


SDSReporter2 will then generate the report in a Word format.  You can save the file in other formats and in your desired location using the Word “File” menu.