Step 4: Create a Survey Template on SDSReporter2.
Run SDSReporter.exe.
Before creating a survey, go to the Help menu and check for updates. Once any updates have been downloaded and installed, proceed with the instructions below.
Go to Setup > Survey Templates.
Click to add a new survey template. Click to highlight <Template Name>.
NOTE: If the template name in the list is bold and italicized, that means it contains unsaved changes. At any time, click to save the highlighted template.
In the Template Panel, Enter a new name for the Template. If desired, enter any notes for this template.
In the Equipment Panel, enter Furnace Details:
Asset Number
Operating Temperature Range
Instrumentation Type
NOTE: Click to view reference charts for Class and Instrumentation Type.
Next, enter Temperature Controller information (Manufacturer and Model #).
Setpoints will be entered in the next panel.
In the Survey Panel, enter desired Setpoints for this template.
to add a new setpoint. Enter the desired Setpoint, Tolerance, Stabilization Time, and Survey Duration. NOTE: Click
to view reference chart for Tolerance.
Repeat as needed to create all desired setpoints. Click
to delete a highlighted setpoint.
Enter Survey Details:
Company Name
Performed By
Simulated Load Weight
If desired, create User-Defined Fields:
to add a new field. Enter the desired Name, Value, and Report Tag.
Repeat as needed to create all desired fields. Use
to re-order fields. Click
to delete a highlighted field.
In the TCs Panel, click to toggle desired TCs and assign TC types. Click the controller icon
by a TC to note it as a Control TC. A note may be added to this TC as well.
In the Certs Panel, click the checkbox if you wish to use Wire Certs in this template.
Click to create a new Cert. For each cert:
in the TCS column to select and deselect the desired T/Cs.
in the CERT# column to edit information for this Wire Cert. Here you can enter info for: Certification #, Wire Serial #, TC Type, Cert Date, Due Date, Calibrated By, TC Gauge, and Degree Type.
You can also enter any necessary corrections. Clickto generate a new correction. Enter in the Temperature and Correction information. Click
to delete the highlighted correction, and click
to re-order the existing correction.
NOTE: Later, any previously entered certs can be loaded by clicking
Review all changes made above. Click to save the current template. Close the Survey Template window.
You are now ready to upload your survey template to the SDS and perform a survey.