Start Survey
The Start Survey option guides you through 5 pages of options to manage your survey.
Page 1: Select Template
Tap “Select Survey Template” to bring up a list of templates on the device. Tap to highlight the survey template you created above, then tap “OK” to continue.
Once the template is selected, you can tap “View” to see the details of that template, or “Next Page” to move onto Page 2.
Page 2: Select Setpoints
If you need to add or edit any setpoints to the survey template, you can do it here. If not, tap “Next Page” to move on to Page 3.
Tap “Add” to add setpoints. Assign figures for Setpoint, Tolerance, Stabilization Minutes, and Survey Minutes by clicking the appropriate button and entering the desired numbers. When finished entering values, tap “OK” and the Setpoint will appear in a list. Repeat as desired.
Tap “Edit” to edit existing setpoints. Assign figures for Setpoint, Tolerance, Stabilization Minutes, and Survey Minutes by clicking the appropriate button and entering the desired numbers. When finished entering values, tap “OK” and the Setpoint will appear in a list. Repeat as desired.
To delete a setpoint, tap to highlight, then tap “Delete.”
To rearrange your setpoints, tap to highlight, then tap “Up” or “Down” to re-order.
Tap “Next Page” to move onto Page 3.
Page 3: Select TCs
This page will display TCs assigned to this template. If no changes are necessary, tap “Next Page” to move on to Page 4.
Tap a TC number to select TC type.
Tap below the TC number to toggle the TC on or off for this survey.
Click “Next Page” to move onto Page 4.
NOTE: You cannot denote a TC as a Control TC from the SDS, but this can be assigned retroactively in SDSReporter2.
Page 4: Select Wire Cert
This page will display Wire Certs associated with this template. If no changes are necessary, tap “Next Page” to move onto Page 5.
Tap “Add” to add a Wire Cert.
From here you can select an existing Wire Cert or Edit to create a new one. To edit, tap a field to highlight, then tap “Edit” to enter in the desired information. Tap “OK” when finished editing.
Tap “TCs” to select or deselect TCs for this Cert. Tap to highlight desired TCs then tap “OK.”
Tap “View Wire Cert” to view the information for this Cert.
To delete a cert, tap to highlight, then tap “Delete.”
Click “Next Page” to move onto Page 5.
Page 5: Start Survey
Tap “Review Template Info” if desired. Otherwise, tap “Start Survey” to begin.