Report Panel
Click the button to select a survey.
If selecting from SDS, use the dropdowns to select the desired SDS, Template, Survey Types, and date range. This will generate a list. Click to highlight the desired survey. You can also adjust the interval from the dropdown menu as needed. When ready, click “Select Survey.”
You can also create a manual survey if desired. Click “Create Manual Survey” and select the SDS, Template, and date range desired. Click “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to leave without creating.
Once the survey has been selected, the results of the survey will be visible in the Chart Tab and Data Tab (see below).
Import Data Tab
Use this feature to import trend data from another program or other equipment to generate a report in SDS Reporter 2. Data must be in Excel format.
Select a start date and an interval.
Copy only the numeric data from excel (see image below for required format).
Once copied, click the “paste survey data” button to paste into the import data tab.
Click the “Default” button under Select Template to select a survey template. (NOTE: The “default” option will not work for this feature.)
After a survey template has been selected, click the “Select Survey” button. The imported data can now be viewed in the chart and data sections of SDS Reporter 2.
Under the chart tab, set the survey start and end time as follows:
a. move the vertical magenta line to the desired survey start time then right click and select “Survey begins at cursor”.
b. Move the vertical magenta line to the desired survey end time, right click and select “survey ends at cursor”.
c. Move the vertical magenta line to the desired approach survey time then right click and select “Approach segment begins at cursor”.
This data can also be manually entered in the setpoints box in the survey section of report properties.
To generate the report, select “create report” from the File menu, and click “all”.
in the TCS column to select and deselect the desired T/Cs.
in the CERT# column to edit information for this Wire Cert. Here you can enter info for: Certification #, Wire Serial #, TC Type, Cert Date, Due Date, Calibrated By, TC Gauge, and Degree Type.
You can also enter any necessary corrections. Clickto generate a new correction. Enter in the Temperature and Correction information. Click
to delete the highlighted correction, and click
to re-order the existing correction.
to select a wire cert (made using the Setup>Wire Certs functionality).
Survey Template
When a survey is loaded, the Survey Template should prepopulate based on that Survey information. To change the template information, follow the instructions below.
Click the button to select a survey template. Use the “Filter” option to help search for desired templates. Click to highlight a template from the list. You can then enter/edit the following information on the ensuing tabs:
Template Tab:
Enter Template Name and any notes.
Equipment Tab:
The first window allows you to enter Furnace Details (Asset Number, Make/Model, Type, Use, Operating Range, Dimensions, Class, and Instrumentation Type). For easy reference to relevant standards information, click .
The second window allows you to enter Temperature Controller information (Manufacturer and Model #).
The bottom window will display Setpoint information (Setpoint and Tolerance) and allow you to enter information for P [Gain], I [Rate], D [Reset], Cycle Time, Dead Band, and Output Limit for each SP.
Edit Load Map
This option allows you to customize an image to reflect the information for this survey.
Use the dropdown to select the appropriate shape for the furnace.
Use the “Size” button to adjust the displayed size of the furnace.
Click and drag the numbers as desired to reflect T/C placement. You can also add custom labels by clicking “Add Label,” entering the label information, and clicking and dragging in the same way as the T/C numbers. To delete a label, right click on it and select “Delete.”
When finished, click “Save.”
Survey Tab
The first window allows you to enter and delete setpoints for this survey (Setpoint, Tolerance, Stabilization time, and Survey duration). Click to create a new setpoint and enter the information. Click to highlight a setpoint and click
to delete.
The second window allows you to enter survey detail information (Company name, Performed By, Specifications, Simulated Load Weight).
The bottom window allows you to generate custom user-defined fields for reference to your specific situation. Click to create a new field, enter the Name, Value and Report Tag. Use the up and down arrows to reorder the fields as needed, and click
to delete the highlighted field.
TCs Tab
Click to toggle T/Cs on and off. Click the controller icon to denote a control T/C. Use the dropdowns to select T/C type. Toggle all T/Cs on and off using the Toggle All switch.
Certs Tab
Click to select if wire certs will be used in this template.
Click to create a new Cert. For each cert:
When finished with the Survey Templates window there are several options. You can Ctrl-click or Shift-click to highlight desired templates in the list, then click “use selected” to select them all. Through the File Menu, you can also save the selected surveys as a Package, or load a previously saved package.
Through the File Menu, you can also import old SDS surveys from a file location on your computer.
Report Template
Click to select a Report Template by browsing your computer for saved files. There are several pre-loaded Templates created by SSi, or you can create your own template as a Word file. (To do so, see Appendix A for information on SDS <tags>. Custom template files can be saved anywhere, but the default location is the \SDS2\ReportTemplates folder.)
You can then add/edit Report Heading/Title, Survey Results, and Notes.
To create a report based on the selections made above, go to File > Create Report. You can choose a report based on all data, or only the setpoints defined in the survey template.