Edit Trend Charts

This menu option will allow the user to modify a trend chart.  Any added trend lines will be displayed on the Chart screen.  The buttons on the top of the screen will work with the trend chart file itself:


  • Open – Open an existing trend chart

  • Delete – Delete an existing trend chart

  • Save – Save any changes made to the current trend chart

  • Save As – Save the current trend chart as a new trend chart


Open and Delete will display a screen where the user can select the trend chart to open or delete.  Save will automatically save the changes to the currently opened trend chart.  Save As will let the user enter the name of the new trend chart.


The three buttons below the list of trend items will allow the user to modify individual trend items:


  • Add – Add a new trend line to the trend chart

  • Edit – Edit an existing trend line in the trend chart

  • Delete – Delete an existing trend line in the trend chart


Add and Edit will display a screen (shown) where the user can set up the trend line.  Delete will delete the selected trend line from the trend chart.


  • Name – This is the name of the trend line.  Note – since space is limited, it is suggested that the trend lines be named with least understood characters, i.e., “Prb 1” instead of “Probe 1”

  • Data – This is the data from the data log data.  Descriptions are used to make the selection of data easier.  If no description is provided, the register number is provided

  • Min – This is the minimum value for the scale of the data

  • Max – This is the maximum value for the scale of the data

  • Expression – The expression to display the data with the correct scaling.  Data in the registers does not have any scale.  For instance, T/C data will require the “x*0.1” expression to display the T/C values properly.  Trend lines that do not require any scaling will just need an “x” as the expression.  Probe values do not need scaling

  • Format - the value displayed on the chart display of the operator interface. A short custom description can be added here.  For example, to display one (1) decimal point, enter a value of “#0.0”.   For carbon values, enter a value of “#0.00” for 2 decimals.  This would display a value like “0.81”.  Entering “#.00” would display a value of “.81”

  • Units – The type of units to be displayed

  • Line Width - A numeric value for the thickness of the trend line. A 1 is a thin line; A higher value = thicker line width

  • Sample – This will allow the user to test the expression to verify that the expression is set up properly.  Enter the test value and press the Test button to see if the expression displays the value properly.  For instance, if the “x*0.1” expression is used and “1500” is entered, then the result would display “150”


Press the Set button to confirm the changes made.  Pressing the Cancel button will not set any changes.