The Chart Display shows between 1 hour and 24 hours of process variable data on the screen and can be scrolled back to view all of the data stored on the flash card. The vertical timelines change as the time changes on the screen. The function buttons run along the bottom of the screen.
The Trend Lines button - - will allow the user to select or de-select the trend lines on the trend chart to display. If the checkbox next to each trend line is checked, then that trend line will be displayed.
The Datagrid View button - - will display a screen with the trend data in a grid format instead of with trend lines. The trend data is shown in 1-minute intervals. Clicking on the OK button on this screen will close the screen down and return to the Chart Display screen.
The Refresh button - - will refresh the screen’s trend data if the screen is not in real-time mode.
The left-pointing green arrow button - - will move the chart’s view backward in time by the specified chart interval.
The chart interval button - - will determine the number of hours displayed on the trend chart. The options are: 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours, or 24 Hours.
The right-pointing green arrow button - - will move the chart’s view forward in time by the specified chart interval.
The right-pointing arrow with the vertical line next to it button - - will toggle between viewing the chart in or out of real-time. When in real-time mode, the chart will automatically be updated once a minute.