Analog Output Minimum and Maximum Ranges

The Mini-OX is factory default to output a range of 0 – 25% O2 via its two analog outputs. This range can be expanded to 0 – 100% O2 by repositioning the jumper link as described in Figure 7. When the unit is reconfigured to output 0 – 100% O2 the user also has the option to fully customize the output ranges via RS232. This is extremely useful in applications where the O2 variation is within a narrow band as it allows the analogue outputs to be tailored to this limited range.


NOTE: The minimum and maximum range adjustment does NOT apply to the RS232 output and is overruled if the unit is reconfigured for 0 – 25% O2 operation.


  1. Ensure the Mini-OX is configured for 0 – 100% O2 operation, see Figure 7.

  2. Connect the Mini-OX via the RS232 interface to the PC.

  3. Press <ENTER>; the Menu Password screen displays.

  4. Input your security password.

  5. Press <ENTER> to access the Menu screen.

  6. Type “2” to access theConfiguration menu.

  7. Type “3” to access theEnter O2 Max Range screen.

  8. Input the required number, between 1.00 and 100.00 to represent the maximum output range.

    NOTE:The number must also be greater than the saved minimum range.

  9. Press <ENTER> to save.

  10. Press <ESC> to return to the Configuration menu.

  11. Type “4” to access theEnter O2 Min Range screen.

  12. Input the required number, between 0.00 and 99.00 to represent the minimum output range.

    NOTE:The number must also be less than the saved maximum range.

  13. Press <ENTER> to save.

    NOTE:The new ranges are now stored in memory and are retained on power loss.


An example of changing the minimum and maximum output ranges would be in a fresh air atmosphere where the O2 range is between 20-21%. The user could set the minimum output range to 19% and the maximum output range to 22% and the outputs would vary linearly between. The minimum and maximum ranges lock out the outputs at the set limits so 19% O2 or lower would set the analog outputs to 0VDC/4mA and 22% O2or higher would set the analog outputs to 10VDC/20mA.