The HP15-VR system includes two main enclosures. The first contains the heater and the Gold Probe and is painted with a heat resistant black paint. This will be referred to as the “heater enclosure.” The second is the blue electrical control panel which includes a Super Systems 9120 controller. This will be referred to as the “electrical enclosure.” Proper operation of this system requires that these two enclosures be wired to each other, allowing the heater to be controlled by the electrical enclosure. For detailed information regarding the connections between the enclosures, please refer to the Electrical Connections section of this manual on the next page.
It is not recommended to mount the HP15 system in a location where it would be subjected to vibration or mechanical shock since this could cause premature failure of the sensor. SSi suggests mounting the HP in a remote location and using a filtered, ceramic-lined, sample tube to extract the sample gas. The sample tube should be positioned 3-4 inches past the hot brick face of the furnace, near where the work will be located. The maximum recommended distance between the sample port and the HP is 100’.