Furnace Setup

This screen will allow the user to configure the furnace settings.  Do not make any adjustments on this screen without first contacting Super Systems Inc at 513-772-0060.


Date and Time

This option will allow the user to change the current date and time on the 9120 controller, not the touch screen.   The date and time that is recorded on the flash card (and, therefore, the datalog data) is the date and time of the operator interface display, not the 9120 instrument.  Note – The initial date and time displayed will be the system time of the Touchscreen, not the current time on the 9120 instrument.


PVT Type

The PVT type is the mode the device runs in (Carbon, Dewpoint, etc.). The mode selected determines the calculations and scaling for the Process Variable. 

The values for the PVT type are:


Dew Point



Redundant Probe

Simple Nitrider

Dual Loop



This value determines the specific temperature scale to be used.  Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.  It can be either Degrees (F or degrees (C.


Web Level 1 Code

This value is the supervisor-level passcode for any web-based operations with the 9120 controller.  Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.  The range for the passcode is -32767 to 32767.


Web Level 2 Code

This value is the administrator-level passcode for any web-based operations with the 9120 controller.  Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.  The range for the passcode is -32767 to 32767.


Web Change Enable

This will either enable or disable the web change feature, which will allow changes to be made over the web page for the 9120 controller.  Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.  Select either a 0 (Web Change Disable) or a 1 (Web Change Enable).


O2 Mode

This value will allow the operator to select the oxygen mode.

Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.

The options are:

% with control


Offset log with control


Sample Pump Mode

This menu option will allow the user to turn the sample pump On or Off.  For the HP PVT types (% Carbon, Dewpoint, Oxygen, Millivolt, and Redundant Probe), there is the option to set a minimum temperature in order for the pump to run.  See the “Minimum Temp/Pump Run” description below.




Minimum temp/pump run

This option will set the minimum temperature for the pump to run, if that feature is used.  A 0 value will disable the minimum temperature feature.  Note - The furnace that is being sampled must have its temperature connected to input 3 for the pump minimum temperature feature to work.  The range is 0 to 32767.

Remote Setpoint



The Remote Setpoint Setup button will display the Remote Setpoint screen, which will allow the user to set up a remote setpoint for Loop 2, which is generally the temperature loop. There are six options to choose from for a remote setpoint: None, Client 1 PV, Client 2 PV, Client 1 SP, Client 2 SP, or Input 3. Selecting the desired option will set the setpoint to the specified source. Further descriptions are as follows:






The setpoint that was set from the previous screen will be used.

Client 1 PV

The process variable from the Client 1 device will be used as the setpoint.

Client 2 PV

The process variable from the Client 2 device will be used as the setpoint.

Client 1 SP

The setpoint from the Client 1 device will be used as the setpoint.

Client 2 SP

The setpoint from the Client 2 device will be used as the setpoint.

Input 3

The value acquired from Input 3 will be used as the setpoint. Input 3 is an analog input. The value acquired from it can represent a furnace temperature.


Remote Setpoint Hysteresis

This option will allow the user to enter the remote setpoint hysteresis.  The range is 0 to 32767.


Loop 2 PV source

This option will allow the user to select the loop 2 PV source.  The options are: Input 3 or Input 2.