Simple Nitrider PVT Defaults
Process variable 1 is carbon
Process variable 2 is temperature
Process variable 3 is temperature
DAC 1 is set for Hydrogen
DAC2 is set for Dissociation
Analog output 1 offset is 0
Analog output 1 range is 1000
Analog output 1 offset is 0
Analog output 1 range is 1000
First process control low limit is –100
First process control high limit is 100
First process control mode is such that setpoint of 0 shuts down and it is in dual mode
Second process control low limit is 0
Second process control high limit is 100
Second process control mode is such that it is in single reverse
Analog input 1 full scale is 2500
Analog input 1 type is 2.5 volts
Analog input 2 type is S thermocouple
Analog input 3 type is K thermocouple
host RS232
Hitech H2 cell at 9600 baud