Analog Input Settings – Page 2

From this screen, the user can modify the open input direction, trip 1 value, and the trip 2 value.  The current open input direction value is displayed in the box.  To modify the open input direction, press the down arrow next to the displayed value.  This will display four buttons that will allow the user to change the open input direction:



    Input X Goes Up Scale

    Input X Goes Down Scale

    One Trip Point

Two Trip Points



Press the button for the desired open input direction. To set the Trip 1 value to Above Setpoint, press the Above SP button under the Trip 1 value. To set the Trip 2 value to Above Setpoint, press the Above SP button under the Trip 2 value. To set the Trip 1 value to Below Setpoint, press the Below SP button under the Trip 1 value. To set the Trip 2 value to Below Setpoint, press the Below SP button under the Trip 2 value. Pressing the <More button will display Page 1 of the analog input settings menu. Pressing the More> button will display Page 3 of the analog input settings menu. The Menu button will display the Analog Input Setup menu.