

    The CAT-100 is designed to provide accurate results testing procedures and conditions are consistent with the product’s design. When problems or discrepancies are encountered, they can often be corrected. The table below provides a list of potential problems that may be encountered, possible causes, and corrective actions that may rectify the problem.




    When troubleshooting, follow all proper safety precautions. Use proper eye protection and hand protection at all times.






    Possible Causes

    Possible Corrective Actions

    Wire breaks at any point in the procedure

    Coil cooled too quickly




    Wire stretched beyond design limitations

    When removing insertion rod, follow procedure exactly as shown in Cooling Down and Removing the Insertion Rod.


    Avoid stretching wire excessively

    % Carbon indicated by CAT-100 differs by more than 0.03% from Process Variable shown by instrumentation at the time wire was exposed to testing atmosphere

    Wire soaked too early in soak cycle



    Emery cloth not applied to wire after soaking




    Variability in % Carbon levels in testing atmosphere






    Testing procedure not followed correctly




    Instrumentation error

    Insert wire coil into testing atmosphere during final one-third of soak cycle.

    Perform a test of a new wire, closely following the instructions in Using the Emery Cloth on the Steel Wire Coilpage.


    Ensure that testing atmosphere remains consistent during test. Temperatures, % Carbon, and other parameters should not change significantly while wire is exposed to testing environment. Furnace should be in a soak state for a minimum of one hour.


    Calibrate CAT-100 and re-test using an unused wire, following instructions exactly as indicated in manual


    Contact equipment manufacturer or distributor

    % Carbon indicated by CAT-100 differs by more than 0.03% from Process Variable shown by instrumentation at the time wire was exposed to testing atmosphere (Continued)

    Incorrect Coil Factor entered

    Ensure that the correct Coil Factor is entered during the testing procedure; see Entering the Coil Factor section.

    Carbon Potential is not within the effective range of 0.1% to 1.3%

    Actual Carbon Potential is not within the effective range of the unit




    Soak time too long or too short

    % Carbon shown must be within the effective range in order to be reliable. A different method of measuring Carbon Potential may be needed in such a case.


    Re-test using an unused wire. Ensure that soak times shown in Using the Insertion Rod in the Testing Environment are applied as indicated.

    Wire becomes detached from insertion rod during soak in testing atmosphere

    Unsecured attachment

    Before inserting rod into testing atmosphere, verify that wire coil is in place securely for testing, that rod screw is securely tightened, and that protective cage is securely in place on the rod

    Reading is not stored when “Store” is pressed on CAT-100 touch screen

    Pressure on screen not hard enough




    Interference from protective film over screen



    No reading to store





    Internal storage error

    Increase pressure of contact with screen. Take care not to cause damage to screen or protective film.


    Verify that spacing between protective film and touch screen allows for contact with touch screen


    Verify that a test result was generated when wire coil was connected to binding posts on CAT-100. If not, reconnect wire to binding posts and observe reading again.


    Call SSi Technical Support at (513) 772-0060

    Test results not displaying correctly in Test Results screen

    Internal storage error

    Call SSi Technical Support at (513) 772-0060

    Can’t log in to CAT-100 View software.

    Forgot login information for CAT-100 View software.

    Contact SSi for Login Override Code.

    CAT-100 View software cannot connect or access data from CAT-100 unit

    (If connecting through Ethernet) Ethernet connection issue







    (If connecting through USB)  USB connection issue






    Ensure that the PC and the CAT-100 are connected to the same computer network and that the needed computer network settings (such as subnet mask and gateway) are correct. Ensure that both the PC and the CAT-100 have network connectivity. Consult with your IT/network administrator if needed.


    Ensure that the USB port on both the PC and CAT-100 are working properly and that the USB driver needed for use with the CAT-100 is installed properly. If needed, contact your IT administrator for assistance, or call SSi at
    (513) 772-0060.

    Table 6 - Troubleshooting

    If you experience problems and cannot find the solution after troubleshooting, please call SSi Technical Support at (513) 772-0060.