Export Tests to CSV

    This option allows you to save downloaded CAT-100 data in a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be opened with a program such as Microsoft Excel. To save a CSV file and use it in Excel, follow these steps.


    1. Save the CAT-100 data to a CSV file using the Export Tests to CSV option in CAT-100 View (see example in Figure 47.

    Figure 47 - Saving CSV file in CAT-100 View

    1. Open Microsoft Excel (or a similar spreadsheet program). Open the File -> Open dialog box (Figure 60). Set the File Type to include .csv files. Select the CSV file you saved and click Open.

    Figure 60 - Opening CSV file in Microsoft Excel

    The rest of this section pertains to Microsoft Excel. However, other spreadsheet programs will likely have similar functionality.


    1. Choose “Delimited” for the “Original data type” (Figure 61). Click Next.

    Figure 61 - Importing CSV file in Microsoft Excel
    (Step 1 of 3)

    1. Set the Delimiter type to “Comma” (Figure 48). Then click Next.

    Figure 48 - Importing CSV file in Microsoft Excel
    (Step 2 of 3)

    1. The “Column data format” can be configured for each column using the options in Excel (Figure 49). “General” format should work well in most cases. Click Finish when ready.

    Figure 49 - Importing CSV file in Microsoft Excel
    (Step 3 of 3)

    1. Observe how the data is organized in Excel (see an example in Figure 50. Make changes to the formatting as needed.

    Figure 50 - Example of formatted
    CSV data in Microsoft Excel