RS-485 Baud: The baud rate (data transmission rate) of the RS-485 serial connection. 19200 is default.
RS-485 Mode: The mode of the RS-485 serial connection. Master is default. Host may also be selected.
USB Baud: The baud rate (data transmission rate) of the USB connection. 115200 is default.
Comms Setup (Communications Setup)
The Comms Setup screen allows you to change communications settings of the serial and USB connections for the CAT-100. Use the ñ and ò buttons to change which setting is selected. Press the ↵ button to change a setting. In most cases, these settings will not need to be changed from their defaults.
Figure 41 - Comms Setup Screen
The settings are as follows:
To change the value for a selected setting, use the ñ and ò buttons. When finished, press the ↵ button.
Press the button to return to the menu list.