Comms Setup (Communications Setup)


    The Comms Setup screen allows you to change communications settings of the serial and USB connections for the CAT-100. Use the ñ and ò buttons to change which setting is selected. Press the button to change a setting. In most cases, these settings will not need to be changed from their defaults.


    Figure 41 - Comms Setup Screen


    The settings are as follows:

    • RS-485 Baud: The baud rate (data transmission rate) of the RS-485 serial connection. 19200 is default.

    • RS-485 Mode: The mode of the RS-485 serial connection. Master is default. Host may also be selected.

    • USB Baud: The baud rate (data transmission rate) of the USB connection. 115200 is default.


    To change the value for a selected setting, use the ñ and ò buttons. When finished, press the button.


    Press the button to return to the menu list.