Analog Output Trim


This feature allows the user to trim up to eight analog outputs to a certain %point based upon a max temperature setting.  This is useful on furnaces with one or two loops of control but multiple heating “inputs”, (such as SCRs or individually firing burners). The user can trim different outputs and set temperature/%output limits to dial in the furnace’s temperature uniformity.




Analog Output Trim 1 is set up as follows: Temp Point 600˚F; Trim Point 75%


If Temp PV=475˚F and Temp Setpoint=900˚F, then analog output will not be at 100% as usual – it will remain at 75% (75% of 100%)


Likewise, if the output later drops to 55%, the trimmed output will be 41.3% (75% of 55%).


Tap the desired option and then tap “Edit” to make changes. Tap the blue button next to the desired setting, then use the keypad to enter the value. Tap “OK” to save changes or “Esc” to exit without saving. 


NOTE: You must then assign the analog output to “Trimmed Output (#) Loop” in the Analog Output Setup menu in order to use the settings you have entered.