Relay Setpoints

The Relay Setpoints menu option will allow the user to adjust the setpoints that will turn each relay on or off based on the assigned vacuum level.  Each gauge can have up to six separate relay setpoints. A lower number value means that there is a harder vacuum in the furnace. As the number increases, the furnace is losing vacuum.


The relay setpoints defined may then be assigned to Relay Assignments on the 9220 controller (see Relay Assignments). For example, Gauge 1 may represent the main vacuum gauge for the furnace vacuum level. If the User wants to create a partial pressure environment within the furnace of 200 microns, then Relay ON SP A would be set at 2.0 E -1 and Relay Off SP A would be set at 2.1 E -1. (Note: Values are displayed in Torr, not microns).


In the previous section, the user may then assign Relay Assignment 2 as Gauge 1 Relay SP A. Assuming this were wired to microns. Remember this example has been simplified, there are various safeties that must be considered when wiring such a valve.


NOTE: The values for all six setpoints can be changed on the touch screen or in the recipe editor by using opcodes RLY_SP_M or RLY_SP_T. Setpoints D, E, and F cannot be changed in the recipe editor.