
This screen will display the program loops for the 9215.  Up to three loops can be displayed.  The current process variable is displayed at the top, with each loop set point displayed beneath the process variable. The operator can change the process set point by touching the screen area below the large process variable numbers. When pressing the Temperature set point, a numeric keypad is displayed, showing the current value and allowing the operator to enter a new set point by simply pressing on the appropriate numeric keys. Once the correct set point has been entered, press the OK key to make the change. When the OK key is pressed the display returns to the Loops Screen. Another active key within the Loops Screen is the Auto/Man (Auto/Manual) button. Pressing that button toggles the controller’s mode between Auto and Manual. In the manual mode, pressing the percent output button on the Loops Screen (next to the Auto/Man button) displays a numeric keypad, allowing a % output to control the “loop” in a manual mode to be entered.  If a timer is running, the status will be displayed at the top right of the screen.  Any load T/Cs that are actively communicating will be listed in the box to the right of the setpoint/percent output values.  If an alarm condition is present, the alarm text will be displayed below the loop information.  If the alarm needs acknowledging, then the Alarm Ack button will be displayed in the bottom left corner.  If the alarm is part of a recipe step, the alarm will need to be acknowledged before the recipe can move to the next step.


The Loops Screen also allows you to move back to the default Status Screen by pressing the Return