

The Logs screen will allow the user to view three different types of logs – System, Alarms, and Cycle.

Clicking on the button that displays the log type (System Log, Alarm Log, or Cycle Log) will allow the user to select the type of log file to view.

The green directional arrows will display the previous items in the log or the next items in the log, if the log items are longer than one screen.  The drop down list in between the directional arrows will allow the user to select the date of the log items to view.

The Return button will return the user to the menu screen.




Log Types


The System Log tracks the startup and shutdown activity of the touch screen as well as when communications to the controller are established.


The Alarm Log tracks all alarms—those that are internal to the controller and those that are generated by the PLC. This log tracks the alarm generated, its start time, and its end time. This log can be useful for helping build an alarm history.


The Cycle Log keeps track of charged loads and completed recipes. Specifically, it displays the start time and date, completed time and date, and recipe number executed. A Utilization button can be pressed to open a page with information on utilization based a selected date and on the amount of time that the 9215 controller has run a recipe compared to the amount of time it has not run a recipe.