Zone Assignments

A zone assignment on the 9210 Nitrider allows the recipe programs to change setpoints on all client instruments of a multi-zone furnace (up to five (5) zones).


*Only used when running recipes

*client Instrument Setup must be configured prior to Zone Assignment setup

** Atmosphere zones link instruments to Atmosphere Setpoints

** Temperature zones link instruments to Temperature Setpoints



The zone assignment number, with a choice of Assignment 1 through Assignment 5.


ATM Instrument Number

The client instrument number assigned to an atmosphere controller, with a range of Loop 1Loop 3, and Instrument 1Instrument 25.


ATM Zone Number

The zone within which the atmosphere setpoint change is desired, with a range of 0 to 5.


Default Zone Offset, atm

This is the default zone offset for atmosphere, with a range of –100.00 to 100.00.


Temp Instrument Number

The client instrument number assigned to a temperature controller, with a range of Loop 1Loop 3, and Instrument 1Instrument 25..


Temp Zone Number

The zone within which the temperature setpoint change is desired, with a range of 0 to 5.


Default Zone Offset, temp

This is the default zone offset for temperature, with a range of –32000 to 32000.