Analog Output Setup


This menu screen is similar in function to the Analog Input Setup screen, with the exception that these are analog outputs, not inputs.  There are two analog output available.  The top blue up and down arrow keys highlight either Output 1 or Output 2. The lower blue up and down arrow keys will allow the user to set up the analog output settings.





PV 2 retrans






The “Assignment” selection will display a screen from which the user can select the new assignment.  For example you can re-transmit PV1 (Process Variable 1 - %C) to a chart recorder or an analog input board in a PLC. In most Nitrider applications Output 1 is used to control the backpressure and Output 2 is used for Temperature control.  The list of options is:


PV 1 retrans

Loop 1 Inc

Loop 1 Dec

Loop 1 Combo

PV 2 retrans

Loop 2 Inc

Loop 2 Dec

Loop 2 Combo

PV 3 retrans

Loop 3 Inc

Loop 3 Dec

Loop 3 Combo

Input 1 retrans

Input 2 retrans

Input 3 retrans

Input 4 retrans


The “Offset” selection will allow the user to set the offset.  This will display a numeric keypad.  This will range from –9999 to 9999.


The “Range” selection will allow the user to set the range of the output.  This will display a numeric keypad.  This will range from –9999 to 9999.


Pressing the Esc key returns you to the configuration menu.