Adam Correction

This menu is only used with the Nitrider Control system that utilizes an ADAM module for Load Thermocouples.  Contact SSI at 513-772-0060 for assistance with this feature.  The ADAM module offset correction menu option gives the user the ability to offset any input on any ADAM module.  The offset can be in degrees + or -, and it is typically used to compensate for incorrect T/C wires.  The offsets are entered and displayed on the screen without decimal points.  For example, an offset of 255 would actually be an offset of 25.5 degrees +, and an offset of –85 would be an offset of 8.5 degrees -.  The range of the offsets is –50.0 (-500) to 50.0 (500).  The user can also enable or disable offsets for SSi Analog Input Boards.  The options are Yes or No.