Typical System
A typical Nitriding Control system consists of two panels, a Control Enclosure and a Flow Panel.
The variety of input and output combinations available with this system allows SSi to configure the Model 9210-Nitrider to control Nitriding (temperature, % dissociation, and back-pressure) or just to monitor % Dissociation.
The Control Enclosure contains a 24 VDC power supply, SSi’s Model 9210 Controller, flush-mounted operator interface (Advantech touch-screen), an Allen Bradley Micrologix 1200 PLC, a ring-back alarm system with enunciator, terminal blocks, isolation relays, a hi-limit temperature controller and a UPS unit.
The Model 9210 has several control outputs, allowing the customer to choose what variables to control, and how to control them. The 9210 is also used as a recipe programmer to control the furnace cycle from startup to cool down. The operator interface allows the operator to interface with the Model 9210 to view/modify Process Loops, Program status and to modify operating parameters as necessary. The operator interface also contains a Flash card that is used as to datalog Furnace parameters and provides the capability to transfer historical data from the Flash card to any PC that has the SDRecorder Utility software installed. The Micrologix 1200 is used in conjunction with the 9210 for alarm and event handling purposes. The Hi-Limit controller provides furnace over-temperature protection. The UPS Unit provides Battery backup and surge protection for the 120Vac that is used to power the 9210’s 24Vdc power supply and the Micrologix PLC .
The UPS will provide up to 15 minutes of power in case of power loss. To properly shutdown the Nitriding panel …SHUTDOWN the ADVANTECH screen (see instructions), then open panel door and turn OFF UPS. The panel is now safe for electrical work.
There are NO implied safety devices included with this control system.
The safety system (atmosphere flow and pressure) is the responsibility of the customer.
Stand-alone Flow Panel includes the atmosphere flow sample enclosure, the flow switches, back-pressure control (if part of the system), the flow control devices, and the pressure switches. The Flow panel is interconnected with the Control panel to allow the Nitriding Control system to provide control of Gas flows, the furnace’s back-pressure and monitoring of supply and exhaust pressures for alarming. The flow panel is designed to supply up to four different gases to the furnaces. Typical gases used are Nitrogen, Ammonia, Dissociated Ammonia and Hydrogen.