9210 Date and Time
Highlighting the date and pressing Enter displays the Date Edit screen. The current date will be displayed at the top. The date is displayed in a box with scroll bars on the left in long version – Day of the week as well as month, day, and year (Friday January 4, 2008). Any portion of the date can be individually selected. To change any part of the date, select it and use the scroll bars to change the value. For example, to change the month, select the current month and press the up or down scroll bar to change the month to the specific month desired. When all of the changes have been made, press the Set button to save the changes, or press the Cancel button to cancel any changes.
Highlighting the time and pressing Enter displays the Time Edit screen. The current time will be displayed at the top. The new time can be entered through the use of the Hour and Min buttons. Pressing the Hour button will allow the user to change the hour, and pressing the Min button will allow the user to change the minutes. Pressing either of these buttons will display a numeric keypad that will allow the user to enter the new time. The new time will be displayed on the screen as well. When all of the changes have been made, press the Set button to save the changes, or press the Cancel button to cancel any changes.