Full Calibration


NOTE: Full calibration is performed by SSi. The below information is provided for reference only.


The Calibration screen for the Full Calibration menu option is identical in function and layout to the User Calibration’s Calibration screen.  The only difference is the Full Calibration’s Calibration screen contains more screens.  This list of screens is listed below in sequential order.  Screens only found in the Full Calibration menu option are displayed in Italics.  Screens only found in the User Calibration menu option are displayed in bold.

  1. Cold Junction

  2. Zero/Span Input 0/Range 0

  3. Zero/Span Input 0/Range 1

  4. Zero/Span Input 0/Range 2

  5. Zero/Span Input 0/Range 3

  6. Zero/Span Input 1/Range 0

  7. Zero/Span Input 1/Range 1

  8. Zero/Span Input 1/Range 2

  9. Zero/Span Input 1/Range 3

  10. Zero/Span Input 2/Range 0

  11. Zero/Span Input 2/Range 1

  12. Zero/Span Input 2/Range 2

  13. Zero/Span Input 2/Range 3

  14. Zero/Span Input 3/Range 2

  15. Zero/Span Input 1 Range Jumper

  16. Zero/Span Input 2 Range Jumper

  17. Zero/Span Input 3 Range Jumper

  18. Zero/Span Output 1

  19. Zero/Span Output 2

The Calibration screen for the Full Calibration menu option also has a Set Nominal button, which will set nominal values for the current screen.  The user will have to confirm the action.



Clicking on the Yes button will set the nominal values, and clicking on the No button will cancel the action.

Click the Done button to close the screen down.


Calibrate Aux Analog Input

NOTE: This section details how to calibrate an SSi analog input board, not the 9205 inputs themselves.  For instructions on calibrating the 9205 inputs through configurator, see the User Calibration section.


If an SSi analog input board is applicable, then this menu option will be visible.  The Calibration menu screen will allow the user to calibrate the zero, span, and cold junction trim value for all of the inputs on each board.

The Select button will allow the user to select one of the current boards to calibrate.

Select the appropriate board and click on the OK button.  Clicking on the Cancel button will not select the board to calibrate.  Note: A board must be selected for calibration to begin.

The user will need a thermocouple calibrator capable of sourcing a thermocouple signal to calibrate the zero, span or cold junction value.  It is recommended to let everything (calibrator and datalogger) sit for approximately thirty minutes to allow the temperature to achieve equilibrium.  Set up the calibrator for the specific thermocouple type, i.e. type K, type J, etc.  Then, source a specific temperature, like 1000°F, or millivolt to the connected input.  It is recommended that the actual temperature used be similar to an appropriate process temperature.  For example, if your equipment normally operates at 1700°F, then perform the cold junction calibration using a 1700 °F signal.  It is important to note that when performing a zero or span calibration, do not use regular thermocouple wiring.  Instead, use any kind of regular sensor wire, or even regular copper wire. To perform the calibrations, the user will need a calibrator that is capable of outputting volts, millivolts, and temperature.

The “Zero/Span” tab will allow the user to perform a zero and span calibration on the selected board.

The help button - - next to the “Range” drop-down list will allow the user to select a range based upon an input type if the range is not known.


Select the input type and click on the OK button.  The correct millivolt range will be displayed in the drop-down list.  Click on the Cancel button to cancel this action.


Below is a listing of the suggested ranges for the various TC types.