Timer Setup

This option will allow the user to setup and start the Timer on the 9130 controller.



This option will determine the status of the timer.  The timer can either be Enabled or Disabled.  If it is disabled, it cannot be used.


Start mode determines how the timer starts when enabled.

  • Start on enable = the timer will start counting when the start button has been selected from the Status or Loops display and confirmed by selecting Yes.

  • Deviation = the timer will start counting when both:

    • the start button has been selected from the Status or Loops display and confirmed by selecting Yes, AND

    • the temperature is within a set deviation amount temp (located under menu Start Band in Timer Setup menu). All conditions must be met in order for the timer to start. If not it will be placed into a HOLD status. (default setting)

  • Band = the timer will start counting when both:

    • the start button has been selected from the Status or Loops display and confirmed by selecting Yes, AND

    • the temperature is within a set band amount temp (located under menu Start Band in Timer Setup menu). All conditions must be met in order for the timer to start. If not it will be placed into a HOLD status.

Start Control determines what happens to the temperature control output when timer is started.

  • No Change = this will have no change on the temperature control output once the timer is started. (default setting)

  • Control on Auto = this will keep the temperature control output in automatic mode.

  • Control Auto, Standby SP = this will:

    • put the temperature control output in automatic mode, AND

    • change the temp SP to the value set under the Standby Set Point option in the Timer Setup menu.

    • The timer will then start when all timer setup conditions have been met.

  • Control Manual, Idle Output = this will:

    • put the temperature loop in manual mode for control,

    • Make no change to temp SP, BUT WILL

    • force the percent output for the control loop to the value set under the Idle Output option in the Timer Setup menu.

    • The timer will then start when all conditions have been met.

Run Mode determines what keeps the timer running.

  • Run = the timer runs once started. If all preconditions are met, it will complete once timed out.

  • Deviation Hold = if the temp deviates from SP more than the +/- value (set under the Run Deviation option in the Timer Setup menu), the timer will be put into a HOLD status until the temp comes back within deviation (this can be set for either above or below, but NOT BOTH).

  • Band Hold = if the temp deviates from SP more than the +/- value (set under Run Band option in the Timer Setup menu), the timer will be put into a HOLD status until temp comes back within band. This is used to hold the timer when temp goes above OR below SP. (default setting)

End Control determines what happens to the temperature control output when the timer is completed.

  • No Change = this will have no change on the temperature control output once the timer is complete. (default setting)

  • Control to Auto = this will keep the temperature control output in automatic mode once the timer is complete.

  • Control Auto, Standby SP = this will:

    • put the temperature control output in automatic mode, AND

    • change the temp SP to the value set under the Standby Set Point option in the Timer Setup menu once the timer is complete.

  • Control Manual, Idle Output = this will:

    • put the temperature loop in manual mode for control, AND

    • not change to temp SP, BUT WILL

    • force the percent output for the control loop to the value set under the Idle Output option in the Timer Setup menu once the timer is complete.

Acknowledge determines what happens at timer end.

  • Hold for Reset = Once timer is complete it will wait for the acknowledge button to be pressed before it resets.

  • Timer Clear = Once timer is complete it will reset to default time and wait to be started again. (default setting)

Start Band / Deviation (if Start Mode is set to Band, this option will be displayed as Start Band.  If Start Mode is set to Deviation, this option will be displayed as Start Deviation.)


This value determines when the timer will start when temp is above OR below SP.


Run Band / Deviation (if Run Mode is set to Band, this option will be displayed as Run Band.  If Run Mode is set to Deviation, this option will be displayed as Run Deviation.)


This value determines when the timer will run when temp is within band around SP.


Digital IN1 Run/Hold

This will allow for Digital Input 1 to be used in order to put timer into Run (or Hold if already running).


Digital IN2 Reset/Ack

This will allow for Digital Input 2 to be used in order to Reset the timer or Acknowledge the timer once completed (depending on Acknowledge option setting).


Standby Set Point

If the Standby option has been chosen for the Start Control or End Control options, this option will set the standby setpoint value for the timer.

NOTE: Doing this will change the temperature SP.


Idle Output

If the Idle Output option has been chosen for the Start Control or End Control options, this option will set the percent output value for the temperature control output.

NOTE: Doing this will change the temperature % output.