
Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                N/A                User Alarm Number

The alarm function is used to notify the operator that an operation is complete or that a manual action is required.  By use of the Settings menu screen, up to 99 User Alarms can be assigned, with a short text on each that is displayed during an active alarm condition. The program waits until the alarm is acknowledged to proceed.  User Alarm 0 is used to turn off a user alarm.  Its function is the same as the acknowledge button.



True Step Number        False Step Number        N/A

The Branch opcode can change program flow based upon an inquiry opcode.  The True Step Number is the program step to go to if the inquiry is evaluated as true; and the False Step Number is the program step to go to if the inquiry is evaluated as false.

The True Step Number ranges from 124.

The False Step Number ranges from 124.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time 

This opcode is used when a short delay is needed.  The Delay Time is in seconds, from 1 - 500 seconds.



Temperature Dev/Band    N/A                Loop

The deviation alarm opcode is used to turn the temperature or vacuum deviation alarms ON or OFF. 

The Temperature Dev/ Band will determine the deviation band for the temperature deviation alarm.  The Loop will determine which type of deviation alarm to use. 

The Temperature Dev/Band ranges from -301 (Disable) – 30000.

The Loop options are: Off, T. Bnd (Temperature Band), A. Bnd (Atmosphere Band), A. Bnd, T. Bnd (Atmosphere Band and Temperature Band), T. + Dev (Temperature + Deviation), T. – Dev (Temperature – Deviation), A. Bnd, T. + Dev (Atmosphere Band and Temperature + Deviation), A. Bnd, T. – Dev (Atmosphere Band and Temperature – Deviation), A. + Dev (Atmosphere + Deviation), A. + Dev, T. Bnd (Atmosphere + Deviation and Temperature Band), A. + Dev, T. + Dev (Atmosphere + Deviation and Temperature + Deviation), A. + Dev, T. – Dev (Atmosphere + Deviation and Temperature – Deviation), A. – Dev (Atmosphere – Deviation), A. – Dev, T. Bnd (Atmosphere – Deviation and Temperature Band), A. – Dev, T. + Dev (Atmosphere – Deviation and Temperature + Deviation), A. – Dev, T. – Dev (Atmosphere – Deviation and Temperature – Deviation).  There is also an option for Smart Temp and Smart Atm.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                N/A                Day

This opcode checks the real time clock for the day of the week.  This is useful for performing operations on a weekly basis on a specific day.  

The Day is the day of the week, i.e. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Event

This opcode waits for an input event to be turned ON or OFF depending on the Event value selected.

If the Temperature Setpoint is specified, it is considered a set point and will be sent to the appropriate controller.

The Temperature Setpoint ranges from -301 (Disable) – 30000.

The Event options are: Event 0 ON/OFFEvent 31 ON/OFF.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Event

This opcode waits for an output event to be turned ON or OFF depending on the Event value selected. 

If the Temperature Setpoint is specified, it is considered a set point and will be sent to the appropriate controller.

The Temperature Setpoint ranges from -301 (Disable) – 30000.

The Event options are: Event 0 ON/OFFEvent 47 ON/OFF.



N/A                 Wait Limit            Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak opcode. The temperature process value must be within the deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again. 

The Wait Limit is the wait time, in Hours: Minutes format, for the wait limit. The Hours range from 0533, and the Minutes range from 059.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time  

This opcode is a guaranteed short delay.  It guarantees on the temperature loop unless the load TCs are enabled, in which case it guarantees against the load TC map for the specified number of seconds.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time  

This opcode is a guaranteed high short delay opcode.  The temperature process value must be below the high limit deviation band to allow the delay timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the delay timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.

Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                Wait Limit            Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak high opcode. The temperature process value must be below the deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Wait Limit is the wait time, in Hours: Minutes format, for the wait limit. The Hours range from 0533, and the Minutes range from 059.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time

This is a guaranteed high short delay opcode for a zone.  The temperature process value must be below the high limit deviation band to allow the delay timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the delay timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.



N/A                Wait Limit            Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak high opcode for a zone. The temperature process value must be below the high limit deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again. 

The Wait Limit is the wait time, in Hours: Minutes format, for the wait limit. The Hours range from 0533, and the Minutes range from 059.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time  

This opcode is a guaranteed low short delay opcode.  The temperature process value must be above the lower limit deviation band to allow the delay timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the delay timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.



N/A                Wait Limit            Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak low opcode. The temperature process value must be above the lower limit deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again. 

The Wait Limit is the wait time, in Hours: Minutes format, for the wait limit. The Hours range from 0533, and the Minutes range from 059.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                N/A                Delay Time 

This is a guaranteed low short delay opcode for a zone.  The temperature process value must be below the deviation band to allow the delay timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the delay timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.



N/A                Wait Limit            Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak low opcode for a zone. The temperature process value must be above the lower limit deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again. 

The Wait Limit is the wait time, in Hours: Minutes format, for the wait limit. The Hours range from 0533, and the Minutes range from 059.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



N/A                N/A                Recipe Number

The go to subroutine opcode is used to call a program to run and then return to the calling program.  This is used to execute standard routines that can be used by many programs.  GOSUBs can be stacked up to eight (8) levels.

The Recipe Number is the recipe (program) to run.  The range is 1300.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Time

This is a guaranteed ramp opcode. The process value must be within the deviation band to allow the ramp timer to run.  If the process value goes out of the deviation band, then the ramp timer will stop and wait until the process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Time is the total time for the program to reach the desired setpoint(s), in Hours:Minutes format.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



Delay Time            T/C                Option

This is a guaranteed TC inquiry short delay opcode.  It is used to verify that all active thermocouples are within the set wait limits around the setpoint for the user defined time period.

The Delay Time is the time in seconds before checking the T/Cs.  The range is 0500.

The T/C is the Control T/C or Load T/C to use.  The options are: Control T/C, T/C 1T/C 24.

The Option will allow the user to wait for the T/Cs to come within the set wait limits around the setpoint.  The options are: Wait, Wait Up, or Wait Down.


Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                N/A                Soak Time

This is a guaranteed soak opcode for a zone. The temperature process value must be within the deviation band to allow the soak timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again. 

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



N/A                N/A                Delay Time

This is a guaranteed short delay opcode for a zone. The temperature process value must be within the deviation band to allow the delay timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the soak timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Delay Time is from 1500 seconds.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Time

This is a guaranteed ramp opcode for a zone.  The process value must be within the deviation band to allow the ramp timer to run.  If the temperature process value goes out of the deviation band, then the ramp timer will stop and wait until the temperature process value comes back into the deviation band before starting up again.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Time is the total time for the program to reach the desired setpoint(s), in Hours:Minutes format.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                N/A

This opcode is used to enable a high limit alarm on the temperature process.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.



Temperature PO Value    N/A                N/A

This opcode is used to enable a high limit alarm on the temperature percent output.  The temperature data is the high limit point for the temperature percent output. 

The Temperature PO Value is the high limit point for the temperature percent output.  The range is -101 (disable) – 100.

This alarm remains active until the program ends.



N/A                N/A                N/A

This opcode increments the integer ID number by one.

    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



ID Number Value        N/A                Option

This opcode is used to compare the ID value to the value in the temperature data.  The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.  A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.

The ID Number Value is the ID to compare.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option will determine how to compare the ID value against the value in the temperature data.  The options are: Equal, High, or Low.



ID Number Value        N/A                N/A

This opcode is used to set the ID number to the value specified in the temperature data.  The ID number is provided as a feature to track loads or jobs, and it is not used by any controller.

The ID Number Value is the value to set.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.



Input Value            Input                Option

This opcode will check a specific input against a specified value and can hold until the input matches the value.

The Input Value is the value to check against.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Input is the specific input to check.  The range is 13.

The options are: Wait, Wait Up, or Wait Down.



N/A                N/A                Recipe Number

The JUMP opcode is used to go to another program when no return is needed.  The difference between a JUMP and a GOSUB is that GOSUB will return to the original program when the called program completes.  A JUMP will not return to the original program.

The Recipe Number is the recipe number to go to.  The range is 1300.



N/A                N/A                Time Limit

This option is used to place a time limit on a wait or inquiry step.  Should the time run out before the wait or inquiry is satisfied an alarm occurs.

The Time Limit is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the program to wait.  The Hours range from 08, and the Minutes range from 059.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                N/A

This opcode is used to enable a low limit alarm on the temperature.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.



Temperature PO Value    N/A                N/A

This opcode is used to enable a low limit alarm on the temperature percent output. 

The Temperature PO Value is the high limit point for the temperature percent output.  The range is -101 (disable) – 100.

This alarm remains active until the program ends.

    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



T/C Map                 T/C Map         Load TC Enable

This opcode sets the active load T/C map for the furnace. Checking the box next to the T/C number selects the T/C. The options are off, on, or on + alarms.


This Opcode is the same as Zone/Load TC Setup via the Menu options (see sections on Zone/Load TC Setup) except that it selects thermocouples from the recipe. This may be helpful when certain recipes require three Load TCs and other require six Load TCs.



Temperature Setpoint    Event Mask            Event ON/OFF Bitmap

This opcode waits for multiple input events 0 through 15

The Temperature Setpoint is an optional setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Event Mask is the events to enable, which is the events affected.  The options are: 015.

The Event ON/OFF Bitmap field will allow the user to select the bitmap for the event ON/OFF, which will set the final condition of the events in the event mask.  The opcode ignores the bits not in the enabled events and waits on the bits specified in the bitmap.  The options are: 015.



Temperature Setpoint    Event Mask            Event ON/OFF Bitmap

This opcode waits for multiple input events 16 through 31

The Temperature Setpoint is an optional setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Event Mask is the events to enable, which is the events affected.  The options are: 015. Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 16 – 31.

The Event ON/OFF Bitmap field will allow the user to select the bitmap for the event ON/OFF, which will set the final condition of the events in the event mask.  The opcode ignores the bits not in the enabled events and waits on the bits specified in the bitmap.  The options are: 015Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 16 – 31.



Temperature Setpoint    Event Mask            Event ON/OFF Bitmap

This opcode will set multiple output events 0 through 15

The Temperature Setpoint is an optional setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Event Mask is the events to enable, which is the events affected.  The options are: 015.

The Event ON/OFF Bitmap field will set the final condition of the events in the event mask.  The opcode will ignore the bits not in the mask and either set or reset the bits depending upon their states in the bitmap.  The options are: 015.



Temperature Setpoint    Event Mask            Event ON/OFF Bitmap

This opcode will set multiple output events 16 through 31

The Temperature Setpoint is an optional setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Event Mask is the events to enable, which is the events affected.  The options are: 015Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 16 – 31.

The Event ON/OFF Bitmap field will set the final condition of the events in the event mask.  The opcode will ignore the bits not in the mask and either set or reset the bits depending upon their states in the bitmap.  The options are: 015Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 16 – 31.



Temperature Setpoint    Event Mask            Event ON/OFF Bitmap

This opcode will set multiple output events 32 through 47

The Temperature Setpoint is an optional setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Event Mask is the events to enable, which is the events affected.  The options are: 015Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 32 – 47.

The Event ON/OFF Bitmap field will set the final condition of the events in the event mask.  The opcode will ignore the bits not in the mask and either set or reset the bits depending upon their states in the bitmap.  The options are: 015Note – Even though the events listed are 0 – 15, they correspond to 32 – 47.

Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column


N/A                N/A                N/A

This is a no operation code, and it does nothing. It is used as a place holder on programs that are less than 24 steps.



Loop 2                Loop 1                N/A

This opcode will load an alternate PID set from the controller memory. 

The Loop 2 field is the alternate PID loop to use for loop 2.  A value of 0 will disable the loop PID.  The range is 016.

The Loop 1 field is the alternate PID loop to use for loop 2.  A value of 0 will disable the loop PID.  The range is 016.

The alternate PID loops can be set up on the Alternate PID Setup screen.  See the Alternate PID Setup section for more information.


NOTE: The feature of PID Auto Switch is disabled for the entire duration of the recipe when this Opcode is executed.  See the PID Loop Setup section for more information.





Temperature PO Value    N/A                Option

The percent output inquiry is used to test the actual percent output of the temperature controller. 

The Temperature PO Value is the temperature percent output to test against.  The range is -101 (disable) – 100.

The Option value will determine how the test will conclude.  The options are: Wait (Reach within band), Wait Up (Reach or Exceed the specified values), or Wait Down (Reach or Be Less than the specified values).

The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. 

A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.



N/A                Transfer Time (Seconds)    N/A

This option will set the quench transfer time alarm setpoint.

The Transfer time is entered in seconds.  The range is 0.03276.7.



Temperature Setpoint     N/A                N/A

This is the quench setpoint opcode.  This will allow the user to set the setpoint for a quench cycle.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.



Temperature            Time                Speed

This opcode is used to start a quench cycle.  The quench cycle is independent of any program that is running. 

The Temperature is the quench temperature controller set point.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Time is the quench time in minutes.  The range is -1 (disable) – 9999.

The Speed will control the agitator speed, high or low, by Event # 6. Event # 6 OFF equals low speed, and Event # 6 ON equals high speed.  The quench temperature controller must be Aux Instrument # 4.  The quench cycle starts when the opcode is executed. The set point is sent to the quench temperature controller, the timer is started, and the high-speed event is turned on if it is selected.  When the quench timer times out, the end of quench cycle (Event # 7) is turned on for one second and the high speed event is turned off.  The options are: Low or High.


Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Time

This opcode changes the temperature set point linearly over time.

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Time is the total time for the program to reach the desired setpoint(s), in Hours:Minutes format.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.



Temperature Setpoint    Option Decimal            Rate

This opcode changes the temperature set point at a rate of degrees per minute. 

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option Decimal will alter the decimal point in the rate.  The range is -1 (disable) – 2.

The Rate will be the rate of degrees per minute to change the temperature until the setpoint is reached.  The range is 0.01300.00.



Value                Register                Option

This opcode will check a specific register against a specified value and can hold until the input matches the value.

The Value is the value to check against.  The range is -301 (disable) – 32767.

The Register is the specific register to check.  The range is -1 (disable) – 32767.

The options are: Equal, > Or Equal (Greater than or equal to), or < Or Equal (Less than or equal to).



Recipe Number        Recipe Step            N/A

This opcode is used to clear all stacks and timers and start a program.  The RESET is useful in a weekend shut down program to restart the normal operating program.

The Recipe Number is the program number to start once everything has been reset.  The range is 1300.

The Recipe Step is the step number in the program to start at.  The range is 124.



Recipe Number        Recipe Step            Client Instrument

This opcode will start a recipe on the specified Client SSI recipe programmer instrument.

The Recipe Number is the program number to start on the Client instrument.  The range is 1300.

The Recipe Step is the program step to start on in the Client instrument.  The range is 124.

The Client Instrument is the Client instrument to select to start the recipe on (SSi recipe programmers only).  The options are: 125.



Setpoint Value        N/A                Client Instrument

This opcode sends a setpoint down to an auxiliary instrument. 

The Setpoint Value is the setpoint to send down.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Client Instrument is the Client instrument to send the setpoint down to (SSi recipe programmers only).  The options are: 125.


    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



Multiplier (optional)        Air/Gas Ratio (optional)    Total Endo Flow

This opcode will set the flow rate.

The Multiplier is the multiplier for the flow.  The range is -3.01 (disable) – 3.20.

The Air/Gas Ratio is the ratio for the air and gas.  The range is -0.01 (disable) – 0.10.

The Total Endo Flow is the total flow rate.  The range is 032000.



Value                    Register            Instrument

This option will send a value from a register to a specific instrument.

The Value is the value to send.  The range is -3276832767.

The Register is the register to send to.  The range is 032767.

The Instrument is the Client instrument to send the value to.  The options are: 125.



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Speed

This opcode sets the band limits for the wait option or inquiry opcodes. 

The Temperature Setpoint specifies the temperature band (i.e. +/- the value).  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Speed is the speed to use: Ctrl + Load (T/C), Control (T/C), or Load (T/C).



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Option

This opcode is used to set the temperature set point. 

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option will wait for the setpoints to be reached: Blank (Don’t Wait), Wait, Wait Up, or Wait DownNote – The Blank option is an actual blank line, not the word “Blank”.



Process Variable        Client                Option

This opcode will check a Client instrument for a specific process variable value, and wait until the PV from the Client instrument matches.

The Process Variable is the PV to check.  The range is -301 (disable) – 32000.

The Client is the Client instrument to check.  The range is 112.

The Option is the wait options for the opcode.  The options are: Wait, Wait Up, or Wait Down.



N/A                N/A                Soak Time

This opcode is an unconditional soak for the time (in hours and minutes) specified. The programmer will hold for the time specified, and nothing except the operator pausing the recipe will put the program in a hold state.

The Soak time is the total time, in Hours:Minutes format, for the soak to run.  The Hours range from 0166, and the Minutes range from 059.

Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



Source 1            Source 2            Source 3

This opcode will check a TC.

Source 1 will determine the first source to check.  The options are: Not Used, Instrument 1Instrument 25, and Input 1Input 3.

Source 2 will determine the second source to check.  The options are: Not Used, Instrument 1Instrument 25, and Input 1Input 3.

Source 3 will determine the third source to check.  The options are: Not Used, Instrument 1Instrument 25, and Input 1Input 3.



Temperature Level        N/A                Option

The temperature inquiry is used to wait for the actual control temperature to reach the value specified.

The Temperature Level is the specified level to wait for.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option is the wait options: Wait, Wait Up, or Wait Down.

The default band can be set under the Configuration Menu and is typically 15 degrees.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.  

The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.

A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.



N/A                Delay Time            Option

This opcode will turn ON or OFF a specified event for the specified amount of time.

The Delay Time is the time in seconds.  The range is: 0500.

The Option is the event to turn ON or OFF.  The options are: Event 0 ON or OFFEvent 47 ON or OFF.



N/A                N/A                Time

This opcode is a time of day inquiry that would be used to start a process or subroutine at a specific hour and minute. 

The Time is the time to check, in Hours:Minutes format.  The Hours range from 023, and the Minutes range from 059.



Temperature Level        N/A                Option

The zone temperature inquiry is used to wait for the actual control zone temperature to reach the value specified.

The Temperature Level is the specified level to wait for.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option is the wait options: Wait, Wait Up, or Wait Down.

The default band can be set under the Configuration Menu and is typically 15 degrees.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.  

The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.  A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.

This opcode is identical to the TC_INQ opcode, except that it will deal with zones.







Temperature Value Column    Atmosphere Value Column    Option Value Column



Temperature Setpoint    N/A                Option

This opcode is used to set the temperature set point for a zone. 

The Temperature Setpoint is the setpoint to send for the temperature process variable.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Option will wait for the setpoints to be reached: Blank (Don’t Wait), Wait, Wait Up, or Wait DownNote – The Blank option is an actual blank line, not the word “Blank”.



Temperature Value        N/A                Zone

The Zone Offset opcode is used to set a temperature offset to be added to the set point sent to a specific zone.  The same loop (furnace) can have different offsets for each zone.  The zones must be defined in the zone configuration. 


For example, a pit furnace has three zones: top, middle, and bottom. 

The zones could be defined as:

  • top = zone 1

  • middle = zone 2

  • bottom = zone 3


If the ZONE_OFF opcode is used in a program with Temperature Value = 50 and Zone = 1 and a setpoint of 1700, then:

  • A set point of 1750 would be sent to the top zone (Zone 1)

  • A set point of 1700 would be sent to the middle zone (Zone 2)

  • A set point of 1700 would be sent to the bottom zone (Zone 3)


The Temperature value is the offset value to send to the specified zone.  The range is -301 (disable) – 30000.

The Zone is the specific zone to send the offsets to.  The options are: Zone 1Zone 5.