Configure Generic Instruments
This screen is where the user can configure the main sections for each generic instrument. The drop-down box in the top left will select the generic instrument to set up. The options are: Instrument 1 – Instrument 16.
The three reads can be set up in the grid in the top of the form.
The Instrument Register field will be the register in the 9125 controller. The range is 0 – 32767. The Count field will be the number of successive registers to read. The range is 0 – 100. The Storage Offset field will be the offset in the generic instruments registers (1000 – 1099 for Instrument 1, 1100 to 1199 for Instrument 2, etc). The range is 0 – 99.
The setup for the PV (Process Variable), SP (Setpoint), and Out (Output) can be done in the grid in the bottom of the form. The Offset field is the instrument’s offset. The range is 0 – 32767. The Instrument Register field is the register in the 9125 controller. The range is 0 – 32767. The Input Type field will determine what kind of type the value will be. The options are: Integer, Big Endian, Big Endian Byte Swap, Little Endian, or Little Endian Byte Swap. The Exponent field will determine if there is an exponent value. Checking the checkbox will indicate that the Scaler is a power of 10. The Input Scaler field can then be a positive or negative value in the range -31 to +31. The Output Type will determine what kind of the output value will be. The options are: Integer, Big Endian, Big Endian Byte Swap, Little Endian, or Little Endian Byte Swap. The Exponent field will determine if there is an exponent value. Checking the checkbox will indicate that the Scaler is a power of 10. The Output Scaler field can then be a positive or negative value in the range -31 to +31. NOTE: Exponent values affect only floating point values.
Click on the Done button to close the screen and save the changes, or select a new instrument to configure another instrument.