This option will allow the user to set some general configuration settings.
The list of configurable items is:
Log Maintenance
Event Text
Compact Database
Datalogging Setup
Repair Database
Device Configuration
Alarm Text
Time Synchronization
Probe Management
Read/Write Data
Log Maintenance
This option will allow the user to purge, or delete, log files, starting from a specific date. All log files from on or before the selected date will be purged. The user can purge log files from the Alarm Log, Event Log, or System Log.
NOTE: The touch screen may require a login to access this menu.
Event Text
This menu option will allow the user to configure the text for the input and output events for the 9125. Select whether to edit the Input events or the Output Events. Note – The list of events can take a few seconds to load. The screen will refresh after the list has been loaded. There are a total of 31 input events, and 47 output events. Highlight the event to be changed and click on the Edit button. This action will display the on-screen keyboard, which will allow the user to modify the event text. To save the changes to the event text, click on the Save button. Clicking on the Return button will not save any of the changes made. Note – Clicking on the Save button will not close the Edit Event Text screen. A save must be performed before switching from the input events to the outputs events, and vice versa. It is also recommended that after you return to the main overview screen, you perform a shutdown using the 9125 menu, and then restart the screen. This will save the registry correctly.
Compact Database
Compacting the database will free up extra space, which will speed up the amount of time it takes the software to communicate with the database. This should be done as needed. Please consult SSi (513-772-0060) for details.
The touch screen is configured by SSi prior to first use. Consult SSi before making changes to these settings. Cabling changes may be required. |
This menu option will allow the user to determine how the Touchscreen will communicate with the 9125 instrument.
The Media option will be the type of connection the Touchscreen is using to connect to the 9125. The options are:
- COM1
If COM1 through COM4 is selected, the user will have to set the Address and the Baud rate as well. If Ethernet is selected, then user will have to enter the IP address of the 9125 instrument.
The Address option is the client address of the 9125 instrument for the COM port communications, or the Ethernet IP address for Ethernet communications. For the COM port communications, the address will range from 1 to 250. For Ethernet communications, the address must be supplied in a 999.999.999.999 format, or it will not be accepted.
The Baud option is the baud rate for the COM port communications. The options are:
Datalogging Setup
Note – Contact Super Systems before making any changes on this screen, since any changes made can have an adverse effect on the data being displayed.
This menu option will allow the user to modify which registers in the 9125 will be used as datalog data.
This list of data values is shown at the top of the screen.
Click on the Add button to add a new set of data values, or click on the Edit button to edit an existing set of data values. Click on the Delete button to delete a set of values. To add or edit data values, enter the initial offset of the register, as well as the number of sequential registers to read for. Using the example from the image, the data values added would be: 850, 851, 852, 853, and 854. Clicking on the Save button will save the new data value registers. Note – The Save button must be clicked on to save any changes to the datalog data, including resetting the configuration. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the action. Clicking on the Reset button will reset the values to the original configuration. Note – any changes made to the data values will need a restart of the application before those changes will take effect. Clicking on the Descriptions button will display any descriptions for the data values. The default description for a data value is the data value’s register. So the default description for data value 25007 is “25007”. Changing this to “Temperature”, for example, would make it more descriptive. Register 25007 holds the actual temperature value for the 9125.
To add a new description, click on the Add button. To insert a new description, click on the Insert button. To delete a description, click on the Delete button. To edit an existing description, click on the Edit button. The Add or Insert feature will only create valid descriptions if there are existing data values without descriptions. Click on the OK button to save the description changes. Click on the Return button to cancel any changes and return to the previous screen.
Repair Database
This feature will make attempted repairs on all SQL databases associated with the screen. Clicking the Repair Database button will display a timer icon while the repair is taking place.
Device Configuration
This option allows the user to customize the text that will display with each loop (Custom Look 1, 2, 3 Text fields). In order to do this, click on the blue box next to the corresponding Loop number. A keypad will be displayed, and the appropriate text can be written in. Press enter to save.
The Compact Database button will compact the mb.sdf database file that is located on the Touchscreen. When records are added, space is reserved in the database table for the maximum amount of characters, regardless of the actual number of characters in the record. Once the record is added, this space is not released. Instead, it will still be associated with the record, thereby adding to the total disk space and slowing down the communication time with the database. Compacting the database will free up this extra space, which will speed up the amount of time it takes the software to communicate with the database.
Alarm Text
This menu option will allow the user to configure the text for the three main alarms on the 9125 as well as the PLC alarms. Highlight the alarm to be changed and click on the Edit button. This action will display the on-screen keyboard, which will allow the user to modify the alarm text. To save the changes to the alarm text, click on the OK button. Clicking on the Cancel button will forgo saving any of the changes made.
Time Synchronization
This option allows the user to set up the touch screen to sync the system time with an Internet-based time server.
Probe Management
This option allows the user to register a probe within the 9125 by entering its serial number. Doing so creates a tracking history of the probe burnoffs and impedance tests associated with it. Trends can be monitored this way and the impedance of the probe can be traced to help estimate its life expectancy.
Maintenance items are added from the Configuration -> Maintenance menu. To add a maintenance item, first tap the Add button. Use the selections to determine the type of maintenance item and corresponding details to add.
Use the Edit button from the Maintenance Items menu to edit an existing maintenance item. Use the Delete button to delete an item. |
Types of Maintenance Items
The following types of maintenance items can be programmed: Timed Event, Conditional Timer, Conditional Counter, and Totalizer.
In the example shown, when the value for Register 25007 (Temperature PV) is greater (>) than 500.00 (than field) for 5 minutes (Target), a “Check Alloy” message will be displayed on the main screen for the 9125 touch screen.
The Expression option allows you to program a scaled value that will be compared to the value entered in the than field. In the example shown at right, the value of the register will be multiplied by 0.1 (scaled to 10% of the original value) before it is compared to the value in the than column.
In the example shown, register location 25009, bit 8 will be evaluated for a state change. After the state changes to On (second Bit setting) 5 times (Target), the maintenance alert will be triggered.
In the example shown, the value of Register 25029 will be monitored and added to previously summed values of the register every minute. After the Totalizer reaches 100 (Target), a maintenance alert “Check furnace door” will be displayed on the main 9125 screen.
The Expression option allows you to program a scaled value that will be applied to the accumulated value. For example, if * .1 is entered as the Expression, the register value recorded each minute will be multiplied by 0.1; the scaled value will then be added to the existing sum.
The figures below illustrate how the Totalizer works with and without an Expression applied.
Totalizer function without Expression applied
Totalizer function with Expression applied
From the Maintenance menu (accessible from the main menu), you can view a list of scheduled and completed maintenance items.
Operator level access allows the user to monitor the Status of maintenance items and to use the Maintenance Report functions.
Supervisor level access provides all of the above functionality and the ability to Edit Current Records. Administrator level access provides all of the above, as well as the ability to Edit Security Settings for the maintenance menu. |
The Maintenance Status screen provides the ability to view the status of maintenance items, mark items complete, and change the status condition format. If a maintenance item is not due, it will appear in black lettering. If the item is due, it will appear in red lettering. The Show Due Only checkbox, when checked, will cause only those items that need to be completed (“Due”) to be displayed. When a maintenance line item is selected, the Complete button allows you to mark a maintenance item complete. The Condition: button allows you to change the status from Total Complete to Percent to Total.
Maintenance Report
The Maintenance Report window provides a log of maintenance items completed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis beginning at a defined date.
Edit Current Records
With this option, you can edit existing maintenance records. The screen will display maintenance condition in a way similar to the Maintenance Status menu, except that red lettering is not used for items that are due; the condition types can be changed in the same way as on the Maintenance Status screen.
To edit an item, select the item and tap Edit. The Edit Record screen will appear, allowing you to change parameters of the record (such as start date) based on the type of maintenance item.
Edit Security Settings
Using this menu, you can change security settings for completing maintenance items and editing maintenance records. By default, both operators and supervisors can complete maintenance items, and only supervisors can edit records. (Of course, an administrator can do all of these. Administrator access is required to edit security settings.
To change a security setting, select the item in the Allowed Item list. Tap Toggle Operator to change the Operator value between True and False. Tap Toggle Supervisor to change the Supervisor value between True and False. If a value is true, it means that the corresponding access level is allowed to perform that function. If a value is false, it means that the corresponding access level is not allowed to perform that function.
Tap Save when finished updating settings.
Read/Write Data
This menu option is protected by the SSi special passcode. Contact SSi at (513) 772-0060 to obtain this passcode before making any changes.
This menu option is used mainly for technical support reasons. It will read the registers from the 9125 and display those registers on the screen. The user will be able to read from and write to the 9125’s registers. When the screen is first displayed, it will read the first 100 registers from the 9125 and display them in a column format. The top of the list will show “0”, “10”, “20”, etc. These are the column headers. Each value in the column will be a logical increment of the header, where the first value in the column equals the header value. For instance, column “0” will start with register 0, which in the picture has a value of “101”. The next value down is register 1, which has a value of “5”. The next value down is register 2, which has a value of “1”, etc. So, column “40”, 4 values down is register is register 43, which has a value of “9999”.
The number box in the top left of the screen is the beginning register to read from. This will default to 0 when the screen starts. To read registers 100 – 199, edit the value to read “100”. Note – changing the value will automatically begin the read process. This process could take a few seconds to complete.
The “Write offset” value will allow the user to write a specific value listed in the “Write value” box to the register listed in the “Write offset” box. Click on the Write button to write the value to the register. Click on the Return button to return to the Configuration menu.