Chart Sub Menu

There is a sub-menu available by putting a finger or a stylus anywhere on the chart and holding it there for a couple of seconds.  The sub-menu will have the following options available: Zoom, Restore, Add Note, Data, and Exit.

The Zoom option will allow the user to zoom in on a particular part of the screen.  Once this has been selected, the user can take a stylus or a finger and create a box around the desired data.  Once the user releases the stylus or finger, a zoom is no longer possible, and the user will need to re-select the option from the sub-menu to zoom in again.

The Restore option will back out of any zoom options that have been performed and display the chart screen as it initially was.

The Add Note option allows the operator to enter a note on the chart, similar to writing on a paper chart. The note shows up when the chart is printed out using the utility software included with the Series 9125 instrumentation.  Pressing the Add Note option displays a screen where the operator can enter the operator ID or initials and a note. The user has the option to enter a note using the operator interface keyboard, where he or she will be able to type in the note; or the user can use the Signature mode, which will allow them to write a note using a stylus.

The Data option will show the trend data as a data grid instead of the trend lines on a chart.   This functionality is exactly the same as if the user pressed the Datagrid View button - Datagrid View Button - from the chart screen.

Exit will close out the sub-menu without selecting an item.

Pressing the red ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen will take the user back to the status screen.