DF1 Configuration 

This option allows the information data from the 9125 to be sent to the PLC DF1 Register map.


My Node:

This option will allow the user to select the node.  This node must not exist anywhere else on the computer’s network.  The range is 0 to 30000.


PLC node:

This option will allow the user to select the PLC node.  This must be the node address of a PLC.  The range is 0 to 30000.


PLC  read table:

This option will allow the user to select the PLC read table.  The range is 8 to 255.


PLC  write table:

This option will allow the user to select the PLC write table.  The range is 8 to 255.


PLC intermessage delay:

This is the delay time (in milliseconds) between requests sent to the PLC from the 9125 controller. The request can be for any read or write transaction between the PLC and the 9125. The range is 51 - 5000.