Appendix F – Flash Card Management
This appendix will show the user how to pull logged data from an Advantech screen and view it on the PC using a flash card reader and SD Recorder. This option requires SDRecorder to be installed on the local computer. If SDRecorder is not installed, see Appendix E – SDRecorder Installation for instructions on how to install the SDRecorder software. If SDRecorder is installed, continue on with these instructions.
Shut down the screen software. To shut down the screen software, press the Menu button from the Default Display Screen. This will display the main menu list. Select the Shutdown menu option and confirm the shutdown process. See the section Shutdown Interface in the Section 1 – 9120 Touchscreen Interface section of this manual for more information on shutting down the screen software.
When the Windows desktop is visible, turn off the screen using the power switch located on the back of the screen just above the power connector.
Remove the compact flash card from the rear side of the screen. Note – Be sure to remember the orientation of the compact flash card with respect to the screen. The compact flash card will only fit into the screen one way.
Read the flash card with a compact flash card reader onto a PC. Copy the contents of the “\SSi\COMP\” folder and the “\SSi\LOG\” folder into a folder on the PC. Note – The location of this folder can be anywhere on the PC, however, it is recommended that the user keep the location of this folder simple – i.e. directly on the main drive (C:\). For example, the location “C:\9120 Data\” is better than “C:\SSi\Temp\Devices\9120\Data\”.
It is also helpful to include the INTPARMS.x files, chlist.txt file, and any associated chart files (.CTM) into the selected folder. These files should be located on the installation CD. Note: The default .ctm file for the instrument is located in the “Comp” folder.
Open SD Recorder.
From the Options menu on SD Recorder, select Alternate Data. The user will have to enter the location of the alternate data, which is the location of the selected folder, i.e. “C:\9120\ Data”.
Click the OK button to use the alternate data that was pulled off of the compact flash card.
Open the default chart for the instrument by clicking on the Open menu item from the File menu option.
If necessary, navigate to the alternate data folder, i.e., “C:\9120 Data” and open the “Comp” folder. The default chart file will be in this folder. It will be named after the instrument, i.e., “9120Data.CTM” for a 9120 instrument. Now the data from the instrument will be available to view.