Appendix B – Changing the Date/Time on the Touchscreen
The date and time that is recorded on the flash card (and, therefore, the datalog data) is the date and time of the Advantech display, not controller, so it may sometimes be necessary to change the date and time of the touch screen.
Use the following steps to change the date and time of the touch screen:
If the 9120 software is running on the unit, go to the main menu system
Select the “Shut down interface” menu option and click on the Detail button.
Confirm the shut down
This will display Windows CE desktop screen
Double-click on the time displayed; this will bring up the Date/Time Properties screen.
The date can be changed simply by clicking on the new date
The time can be changed by clicking on the appropriate section of the time (hours, minutes, seconds) and using the up/down arrows to change the time
Click on the Apply button in the bottom right corner of the Date/Time Properties screen
If necessary, the screen can be moved by clicking on the title bar with a pointer and moving the pointer
Click on the OK button in the top right corner to close the Date/Time Properties screen
Start up the 9120 software by cycling power to the Touchscreen, or by clicking on the reboot button next to the displayed time