
NO-OP  This no operation code does nothing and is used as a place hold on programs that are less than 12 steps.


ALARM  This alarm function is used to notify the operator that an operation is complete or that a manual action is required.  The program waits until the alarm is acknowledged to proceed.


ATM_INQ  The atmosphere inquiry is used to wait for the actual atmosphere to reach the set point. 


The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe.


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    The default band can be set under the Configuration Menu and is typically 10 (i.e. 0.10 percent carbon). 

  • The SET_WAIT opcode will change the band limit

  • The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. 

  • A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


BRANCH  This opcode can change program flow based upon an inquiry opcode.  The temperature data is interpreted as a program step if the inquiry is true and the atmosphere data as a program step if the inquiry is false.


BO_START  This opcode will allow the start of a burnoff from the controller. 


The options are:

  • Start

  • Start + Wait

  • Check + Wait


Choosing an option with a Wait ensures that the PV must be within the wait limit specified to continue the recipe.  An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


CC_SP_L The Cascade Setpoint Limit opcode will allow the user to set the upper and lower limits for the cascade setpoint.  The temperature data is the lower limit, and the atmosphere data is the upper limit.


DELAY  This opcode is used when a short delay is needed.  The option value is the delay time in seconds.


DEV_AL  This deviation alarm opcode is used to turn the temperature or atmosphere deviation alarms ON or OFF. 


The option values are:

  • OFF, turns off both the temperature and atmosphere alarms;

  • TEMPERATURE, turns on the temperature alarm and turns off the atmosphere alarm;

  • ATMOSPHERE, turns on the atmosphere alarm and turns off the temperature alarm; and

  • BOTH, turns on both the temperature and the atmosphere alarms. 

  • The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


DOW_INQ  This opcode checks the real time clock for the day of the week.  This is useful for performing operations on a weekly basis on a specific day.   The option data is the day of the week, i.e. SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, and SAT.


EVT_IN  This opcode waits for an input event to be turned ON or OFF depending on the option value.  The option value is the event number followed by either ON or OFF. 

If temperature data and or atmosphere data are specified, they are considered set points and will be sent to the appropriate controller.


EVT_OUT   The Event Output opcode turns ON or OFF an output event based upon the option value. .  The option value is the event number followed by either ON or OFF. 

If temperature data and or atmosphere data are specified, they are considered set points and will be sent to the appropriate controller.


G_Ramp  This is a guaranteed ramp opcode. The temperature and or atmosphere process value must be within the wait limit band to allow the ramp timer to run.  The option values are the ramp time in hours and minutes, temperature and/or atmosphere set point.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


G_SOAK  This is a guaranteed soak opcode. The temperature process value must be within the wait limit band to allow the soak timer to run.  The option value is the soak time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


GHSOAK   This is a guaranteed soak high opcode.  Anything below the high limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.  The option value is the soak time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


GLSOAK  This is a guaranteed soak low opcode.  Anything above the lower limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.  The option value is the soak time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


GDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed short delay, ensuring that the thermocouples are within the deviation band.  It guarantees on the temperature loop unless the load TCs are enabled, in which case it guarantees against the load TC map for the specified number of seconds.


GHDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed high short delay opcode.  Anything below the high limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.


GHZDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed zone high short delay.  Anything below the high limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.  It is similar to the GDELAY opcode except that zone instruments (if available) are included.  If load TCs are enabled, the control TC must be enabled to include the zone instruments.  If the Control TC is disabled, the zone instruments will not be evaluated.


GHZSOAK  This is a Guaranteed Soak High opcode for a zone. Anything below the high limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.  The option value is the soak time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


GLDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed low short delay opcode.  Anything above the lower limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run. 


GLZDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed zone low short delay. Anything above the lower limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.    It is similar to the GDELAY opcode except that zone instruments (if available) are included.  If load TCs are enabled, the control TC must be enabled to include the zone instruments.  If the Control TC is disabled, the zone instruments will not be evaluated.


GLZSOAK   This opcode is a guaranteed zone low short soak.  Anything above the lower limit will satisfy the guarantee and allow the soak timer to run.     It is similar to the GSOAK opcode except that zone instruments (if available) are included.  If load TCs are enabled, the control TC must be enabled to include the zone instruments.  If the Control TC is disabled, the zone instruments will not be evaluated.


GOSUB The go to subroutine opcode is used to call a program and then return to the calling program.  This is used to execute standard routines that can be used by many programs.  GOSUBs can be stacked up to eight levels.  The option data is the program number.


GTCINQDEL This is a guaranteed TC inquiry short delay opcode.  It is used to verify that all active thermocouples are within the set wait limits around the setpoint for the user defined time period.  The temperature data is the delay time in seconds.  The vacuum data is the control TC or the load tc’s.  The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


GZDELAY   This opcode is a guaranteed short zone delay.  It is similar to the GDELAY opcode except that zone instruments (if available) are included.  If load TCs are enabled, the control TC must be enabled to include the zone instruments.  If the Control TC is disabled, the zone instruments will not be evaluated. 


GZRAMP This is a Guaranteed Ramp opcode for a zone.  The process value must be within the wait limit band to allow the ramp timer to run.  The temperature data is the temperature set point, the atmosphere data is the atmosphere setpoint, and the option data is the ramp time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


GZ_SOAK  This is a Guaranteed Soak opcode for a zone. The temperature process value must be within the wait limit band to allow the soak timer to run.  The option value is the soak time in hours and minutes.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.


HIGH_AL  This opcode is used to enable a high limit alarm on the temperature process and/or the atmosphere process.  The temperature data is the high limit point for the temperature process.  The atmosphere data is the high limit point for the atmosphere process.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.


HIGH_PO  This opcode is used to enable a high limit alarm on the temperature percent output and/or the atmosphere percent output.  The temperature data is the high limit point for the temperature percent output.  The atmosphere data is the high limit point for the atmosphere percent output.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.


ID_SET  This opcode is used to set the ID number to the value specified in the temperature data.  The atmosphere and option data are not used.  The ID number is provided as a feature to track loads or jobs and is not used by any controller.


ID_INC  This opcode increments the ID number by one.  No data is required.


ID_INQ   This opcode is used to compare the ID value to the value in the temperature data.  The option data is equal, high, or low. The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.  A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


IN_inq    The Input Inquiry opcode will allow the user to check one of the inputs for a specific value.  The temperature data is the value to check for.  The atmosphere data is the input to check.  The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. 

A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


JUMP    The JUMP opcode is used to goto another program when no return is needed.  The option data is the program number to execute next.


LIMIT  This option is used to place a time limit on a wait or inquiry step.  The option data is the time limit to wait in hours and minutes. Should the time run out before the wait or inquiry is satisfied an alarm occurs.


LOW_AL  This opcode is used to enable a low limit alarm on the temperature process and/or the atmosphere process.  The temperature data is the low limit point for the temperature process.  The atmosphere data is the low limit point for the atmosphere process.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.


LOW_PO  This opcode is used to enable a low limit alarm on the temperature percent output and/or the atmosphere percent output.  The temperature data is the low limit point for the temperature percent output.  The atmosphere data is the low limit point for the atmosphere percent output.  This alarm remains active until the program ends.



This opcode sets the active load T/C map for the furnace. Checking the box next to the T/C number selects the T/C. The options are off, on, or on + alarms.


This Opcode is the same as Zone/Load TC Setup via the Menu options (see sections on Zone/Load TC Setup) except that it selects thermocouples from the recipe. This may be helpful when certain recipes require three Load TCs and other require six Load TCs.


NOTE: Only TCs selected in the Load TC Map will be available here. See the Configuration section for more details.


MV_INQ  The millivolt inquiry is used to wait for the probe millivolts to reach the value specified in the atmosphere data. 


The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. 

A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


PIDLOAD   This opcode will load an alternate PID set from the controller memory.  The temperature data is the Loop 2 PID, the atmosphere data is the Loop 1 PID, and the option data is the Loop 3 PID.  A value of –1 will disable each Loop PID.  116 will load the corresponding alternate PID group.


PLC_SET_VAL   This opcode will set specially configured values in a slave PLC.  Registers to be written to must be described via the Configurator’s Recipe Management Group Opcode Control interface.  The temperature data is the value to write.  The atmosphere data is the Write location.  This can be:

        Quench SP

        Endo SP

        Ammonia SP

        N2 SP

        Methanol SP

        Quench Sec

        Drain Sec

        T.C. Endo SP

        T.C. N2 SP

        FNC NH3 SP

        T.C. Time

        PLC  Quench SP

        Quench Type


The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be above the lower wait limit to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the upper wait limit to continue the recipe. 

  • Or nothing


PO_INQ The percent output inquiry is used to test the actual percent output of the temperature and/or atmosphere controller.

The options are:


  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe.


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. 

    A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


QTCSET This is the Quench Instrument Setpoint opcode. This will allow the user to set the setpoint for a quench cycle. The temperature data is the temperature setpoint.


QUENCH The QUENCH opcode is used to start a quench cycle. The quench cycle is independent of any program that is running. The temperature data is the quench temperature controller set point. The atmosphere data is the quench time in minutes. The option data can be used to control the agitator speed, high or low, by Event # 6. Event # 6 OFF equals low speed, and Event # 6 ON equals high speed. The quench temperature controller must be Aux Instrument # 4. The quench cycle starts when the opcode is executed. The set point is sent to the quench temperature controller, the timer is started, and the high-speed event is turned on if it is selected. When the quench timer times out, the end of quench cycle (Event # 7) is turned on for one minute and the high speed event is turned off.


RAMP This opcode changes the temperature set point and/or the atmosphere set point linearly over time. The option data is the total ramp time in minutes. The temperature data specifies the final set point for the temperature set point. The atmosphere data specifies the final value for the atmosphere se point.


RAMPR This opcode changes the temperature set point at a rate of degrees per minute. The option data is the final temperature set point and rate of degrees per minute.


RUN_SLAVE This opcode will change the temperature set point of an auxiliary instrument at a rate of degrees per minute. The temperature data provides the final setpoint. The atmosphere data is the auxiliary instrument to change the setpoint on (1 – 12). The option data is the rate change in degrees per minute.


RESET This opcode is used to clear all stacks and timers and start a program. The temperature data is interpreted as a program number and the atmosphere data as a program step. The option data is not used. The RESET is useful in a weekend shut down program to restart the normal operating program.


SET_AUX The Set Auxiliary Instrument Setpoint opcode is used with other instruments in the process such as flow control or belt speed. The temperature data is the set point and the option data is the instrument number.


SET_BP   This opcode is used to set the backpressure set point.  The atmosphere data is the atmosphere setpoint.  The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


SET_FACT   This opcode is used to set the CO factor or the H2 factor of the atmosphere controller.  If the atmosphere type for the loop is set to dew point then the H2 factor is set; otherwise the CO factor is set. The temperature data is not used. The atmosphere data is used as the factor with decimal places ignored. The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


This allows the control loop to recover from the change before continuing the program.


SET_FCM This opcode sets the gas flow control mode. There are four options: Individual trim, Flow control adjusts two valves, Ratio control – Maintains constant ratio between NH3 +, Auto switch – Switches between Options 1 & 2 based on the DA switch point.


  • Individual Trim will adjust the Gas flow of a valve if Trim is enabled.

  • Flow Control adjusts the flows of all enabled valves by the same percentage.

  • Ratio Control maintains a constant total flow of gas into the furnace by adjusting only the Ammonia and Dissociated Ammonia flows.  This does not apply to the Nitrogen or Aux Valves.


SET_LP3 This opcode will set the Loop 3 setpoint, if applicable. The temperature data is the setpoint. Set Loop 3 functionality is similar to the SET_BP opcode, except that there is no decimal place applied on Set Loop 3.


SET_SL_VAL This opcode will set the setpoint on an auxiliary slave controller. The temperature data is the setpoint. The atmosphere data is the register to set. The option data is the instrument number.


SET_VALVE This opcode will set one of four valves. The temperature data is the setpoint. The atmosphere data is the trim range. Setting the trim range to any positive number will enable the trim for the selected valve. Setting the trim range to a 0 will disable the trim for the selected valve. Note: leaving the trim disabled will make no changes to the current trim configuration. The option data is the valve selction. The valve can be: Nitrogen, Ammonia, Disassociated Ammonia, or Endo.


SET_WAIT This opcode sets the band limits for the wait option or Inquiry opcodes. The temperature data specifies the temperature band (i.e. +/- the value) and the atmosphere data specifies the atmosphere band.


SETPT This opcode is used to set the temperature and/or atmosphere set points. Either or both of the set points can be specified. The options are:


• wait: the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

• wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

• wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe.


An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


If both set points are specified the Wait applies to both.


  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    If both set points are specified the Wait applies to both.


SL_PV_INQ The slave process variable inquiry is used to determine whether or not the auxiliary instrument has reached the target input for its specific process variable.


SOAK This opcode is an unconditional soak for the time (in hours and minutes) specified in the option data.


TC_CHK This opcode enables or disables the comparison of two or three TCs to be sure that they are tracking and operating correctly. The TC Check setups are configured in the Alarm setups for the programmer. The temperature data is the first TC Source. The atmosphere data is the second TC source. The option data is the third TC source.


TC_INQ The temperature inquiry is used to wait for the actual control temperature to reach the set point.


The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    The default band can be set under the Configuration Menu and is typically 15 degrees.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode. The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait. A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


TimeEvt This opcode will turn an output event on or off for the specified delay time, in seconds. The timeEvt opcode differs further from the standard event opcode in that you may not set any loop setpoints. The atmosphere data is the delay time. The option is the event on or off.


TOD_INQ This opcode is a time of day inquiry that would be used to start a process or subroutine at a specific hour and minute. The option data is the time in 24-hour format (i.e. 2:30pm is 14:30).


TZ_INQ The zone temperature inquiry is used to wait for the actual control zone temperature to reach the value specified in the Temperature data.


    The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    The default band can be set under the Configuration Menu and is typically 15 degrees.  The band limit can be changed by the SET_WAIT opcode.  

    The LIMIT opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.  A BRANCH opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow based on the inquiry results.


Z_SETPT   This opcode is used to set the temperature and/or vacuum set points for a zone.  Either or both of the set points can be specified.

The options are:

  • wait:  the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe

  • wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe

  • wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe. 


    An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.


    If both set points are specified, the Wait applies to both.


ZONE_OFF The Zone Offset opcode is used to set an offset to be added to the set point sent to a specific zone. Temperature, atmosphere, or both can be offset. The same loop (furnace) can have different offsets for each zone. The zones must be defined in the zone configuration.


For example, a pit furnace has three zones: top, middle, and bottom.

The zones could be defined as:

• top = zone 1,

• middle = zone 2 ,

• bottom = zone 3.


If the ZONE_OFF opcode is used in a program with temperature data = 50 and zone = 1, then a temperature set point value in the following steps of 1700 would be sent to the middle and bottom as 1700 and the top as 1750.